Forum Designation Application

Application for re-designation of the Neighbourhood Forum

Here is the link to the appplication submitted to Broxtowe Borough Council (26th October 2021) to re-designate the Forum for a further five year period. Note the Forum Area does not expire.
Forum Application For Re-Designation (Oct 2021)

Broxtowe Borough Council announced the start of the consultation to re-designate the Forum for a further five years. The consultation ran from 13th December 2021 until 28th January 2022. At it’s meeting in March 2022 the Council approved the re-designation of the Forum:
Neighbourhood Forum Re-Designation Decision Notice

Application to be designated as a Neighbourhood Forum 

Here are links to the two applications we made to the Council (in late November 2016) to be designated as a Forum. One for the Forum itself and one for the Neighbourhood Area:
Neighbourhood Forum application
Neighbourhood Area application
Neighbourhood Forum Decision Notice
Neighbourhood Area Decision Notice

In addition to the two applications, we needed to provide a copy of our Constitution.
The Steering Group produced an initial Constitution which was ratified at our inaugural General Meeting on 20th Nov 2016.
This document was subsequently amended to incorporate our revised Area boundary (as designated by Broxtowe Council) which was ratified at our Special General Meeting held on 17th Jun 2017 . Please use the link to access a copy of the document:

Neighbourhood Area
The Inaugural Meeting ratified the proposal for our Neighbourhood Area which comprised the two wards of Toton & Chilwell Meadows and Chilwell West.
This proposal was modified (along the western edge of Toton) to follow the HS2 designated site in Toton Sidings

This is the revised map of our Area: