Details of consultations will be added here when they take place.
Active Consultations
CTTC Neighbourhood Forum Design Codes and Masterplans
Closing date to be announced
Open until 30th April 2023
Previous Consultations
Forum Re-Designation
Broxtowe Borough Council approved the re-designation of the Forum at its meeting at the start of March 2022. Our thanks to all who responded to the request.
Supplementary Planning Document – Strategic Masterplan
- Broxtowe continued their Supplementary Planning Document consultation following on from the Local Plan sections 3.1 & 3.2. This consultation was announced before the Government’s Integrated Rail Plan and the announcement by the MOD to delay vacating Chetwynd Barracks to 2026.
The Forum commissioned KEFA to provide a response
Information about Broxtowe’s view on the impact of the Integrated Rail Plan can be found following this link.
Mentioned within the Strategic Masterplan is the “Consultation Statement” which details how the responses to the previous consultation were handled.
- The Part 2 Local Plan has now been completed and published (Autumn 2019).
- Chetwynd Garden Communities Submission (August 2018)