The result is in, and we are extremely pleased that the Neighbourhood Plan has passed the referendum with 3,606 votes in favour, and with a very significant 86.7% majority of the votes cast. The turnout was also pretty impressive too for this type of referendum – 36.2%
It really is fantastic news for the whole of the Forum Area. A very big thank you to all of you who have supported the Forum and the Plan over the years and now voted for it to be accepted.
We will issue further commentary over the course of the weekend, but thought you would want to know the result sooner!
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This is fantastic news, a truly terrific result. Many, many thanks to all of you on the Steering Grouo for seeing the whole process through to this final conclusion. It reflects well on the tenacity and resilience of the SG to battle through all the trials and tribulations of the last 8 years.