Neighbourhood Plan – Council Adoption

The Neighbourhood Plan was unanimously Adopted by Broxtowe Borough Council at its Council meeting on the 15th May 2024 and therefore becomes part of the Statutory Development Plan for the Neighbourhood Area, influencing any Planning Application Decisions.

Several councillors congratulated the Forum for the hard work in getting the Plan over the line, commenting on the skill, perseverance & hard work of all of those involved over the past eight years. There were offers to continue to meet with the Forum to achieve our Vision for the Area.

Congratulations all round.

A video of the Council Meeting starting at the Point where the Plan was proposed for adoption
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Upcoming Civic Society Events

Beeston & District Civic Society have organised the following events (click on the images below to see further details on their website).

This one is mainly for young people over the bank holiday weekend at Inham Nook Recreation Ground, Chilwell:-

Beeston Civic Society are asking for help on the day and advertising. If there’s anything you can do, please contact them.

and this one is for all ages with various guided walks taking place over the coming months around the Beeston area:-

Please do support the Civic Society by taking part in these events.

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Neighbourhood Plan Referendum – More Info

Here is a further update following our Newsflash on Friday announcing the result of the Neighbourhood Plan referendum. The full result is available on Broxtowe’s website here.

Further good news – following the count, Broxtowe Borough Council’s Chief Executive (Ruth Hyde) confirmed that the Neighbourhood Plan will be put forward to Full Council on 15th May for formal adoption. After which it will become part of the Strategic Development Plan for the Forum Area. Members of the Steering Group will attend the meeting in the public area to witness this momentous occasion for our community. The agenda for Full Council should be available on Broxtowe’s website later this week. It would be great to also see some of our members in attendance.

In response to all of this, our Forum Chair, Richard Hutchinson, said: “we are extremely pleased that the Neighbourhood Plan has passed the referendum with 3,606 votes in favour, and with a very significant 86.7% majority of the votes cast. 

It’s great news for this part of Broxtowe, one of the most sought after and liveable areas of Nottinghamshire on the doorstep of Attenborough Nature Reserve, great schools and great transport links.

It means the community led Neighbourhood Plan will have to be taken into account by landowners and developers when putting forward development proposals. 

This will help ensure delivery of sustainable and affordable homes that people deserve, as well as infrastructure, and environmental protections for existing and new green spaces, and for nature. 

The Neighbourhood Plan will be adopted by Broxtowe Borough Council on 15th May to sit alongside the Local Plan, which together will form the Strategic Development Plan for the Neighbourhood Area.

This is the culmination of eight years hard work by past and present Steering Group members (all volunteers), and is a significant achievement in what is, and proved to be, a highly complex and challenging Neighbourhood Forum Area containing two strategic development sites – Chetwynd Barracks and the Toton Strategic Location for Growth. We truly believe that this will make a difference for the community over the next twenty years.”

Eight years is a long time, but this is only the end of the beginning, as we move to the next phase which will be to review and monitor development proposals as they come forward!!

The Steering Group will now take a bit of a break, so you may not see as many posts over the next few weeks, but we will be back in touch when we have gathered our thoughts for the future.

Thank you all once again for your support over the years and for voting to accept the Plan, it really is a significant moment for all of us.

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Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Result

The result is in, and we are extremely pleased that the Neighbourhood Plan has passed the referendum with 3,606 votes in favour, and with a very significant 86.7% majority of the votes cast. The turnout was also pretty impressive too for this type of referendum – 36.2%

It really is fantastic news for the whole of the Forum Area. A very big thank you to all of you who have supported the Forum and the Plan over the years and now voted for it to be accepted.

We will issue further commentary over the course of the weekend, but thought you would want to know the result sooner!

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Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Final Reminder

This is a final reminder to cast your vote in the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum on Thursday 2nd May.
See last weekend’s post for further details and Click on the image below to view the Referendum Leaflet:

If you are unsure where your polling station is, please see this Notice of Poll and Situation of Polling Stations and remember that you will need to present your voter ID when casting your vote at a polling station.

We will let you know the result as soon as we can after the count has taken place on Friday 3rd May.

As always please do feel free to ask any questions you may have via the Contact Us page, and we’ll do our best to answer them via the Questions and Answers page.

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Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Reminder

You won’t be surprised that this weekend’s latest news post is all about the Referendum, as it will be the last one before the big day!

Polling Day (2nd May) is fast approaching so please make your vote count in the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum.

The referendum question being asked is:

“Do you want Broxtowe Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Chetwynd: Toton and Chilwell to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

A vote “YES” means that you do want the Local Community views expressed in the Neighbourhood Plan Policies to help Broxtowe decide planning applications in our Neighbourhood Area.

A vote “NO” means that you don’t want the Local Community views expressed in the Neighbourhood Plan Policies to help Broxtowe decide planning applications in our Neighbourhood Area.

Whether you vote “YES” or “NO” or Abstain, developers will submit planning applications for new housing and other facilities in the Neighbourhood Area in the coming years or sooner. So it’s a question of whether Broxtowe has to use YOUR Neighbourhood Plan Policies when determining planning applications within the Forum Area, or just rely on its own policies which are not as up to date following the cancellation of HS2 (impacting the Toton SLG) and the delayed vacation of Chetwynd Barracks.

Major development will still take place at both these key strategic sites. A “Yes” vote for the Neighbourhood Plan will influence how those developments take shape and help ensure the community’s views, objectives and vision are delivered, and for the new community that will be created. A “No” vote will potentially end any significant community say in how development takes place, and make it more difficult to raise planning concerns as one coherent voice.

A Big Thank You

The Forum Steering Group would like to offer a very big thank you to all the volunteers who answered our Call to Action to assist with the referendum leaflet delivery walks. Without the help of Antoinette, Chris, Graham, Karren, Katherine, Louise, Paul and Rosemary who stepped up to the task, the Steering Group would have had a much bigger challenge to deliver the leaflets to the 6,500 homes in our Area. The volunteers doubled our capacity, and every home will have received a leaflet by the end of this weekend. If for some reason you haven’t, then you can view it by clicking on the image above.

We also need to thank our partners and other relatives who have been cajoled into helping! Most of us now know what ‘postman’s knuckle’ feels like, and one unfortunate volunteer had more than a letterbox bite their fingers, ouch!! That really is dedication to the cause.


Broxtowe Electoral Services have issued a Notice of Poll and Situation of Polling Stations, so if you are voting in person and are unsure where your polling station is, then please refer to it. Also, do remember that you will need to present your voter ID when casting your vote at a polling station.

The count for the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum will take place on Friday afternoon 3rd May, the day after polling closes. We will let you know the result as soon as we can on that day.

As always please do feel free to ask any questions you may have on this week’s latest bulletin or anything else via the Contact Us page, and we’ll do our best to answer them via the Questions and Answers page.

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Forum Digest – 19th April 2024

Just two things this week.

Neighbourhood Plan Referendum (2nd May 2024)

Postal voting forms and our Referendum Leaflet are beginning to pop through doors. Remember, the question that’s important to us is:

“Do you want Broxtowe Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Chetwynd: Toton and Chilwell to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

A vote “YES” means that you do want the Local Community views expressed in the Neighbourhood Plan to help Broxtowe decide planning applications in our Neighbourhood Area.

A vote “NO” means that you don’t want the Local Community views expressed in the Neighbourhood Plan to help Broxtowe decide planning applications in our Neighbourhood Area.

Whether you vote “YES” or “NO”, planning applications will be made for housing and other facilities in the Neighbourhood Area, its just a question of whether Broxtowe has to use the Neighbourhood Plan to help them decide whether they should be allowed or not.

Attenborough & Chilwell Community Action Team Notes

The notes of the meeting on the 10th April 2024 are available here

Contact Us

As ever, if you have any questions or want to get added to our mailing list use the Contact Us page in the menu above.

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Call to Action!

As mentioned last week you should now have received your polling cards for the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum. We are planning to deliver a Forum leaflet with some additional information to the 6,500 homes within the Forum Area, and we need YOUR HELP to be able to do so before 2nd May!

If you can spare a few hours to help the Steering Group, we would be grateful if you could volunteer your time. Here is the list of ‘walks’ – the blacked-out ones are those that have been allocated already. As you can see the main gaps are for Inham Nook & Chilwell Meadows, with a few gaps elsewhere as well (18 in total). If you can help us with any of these it will be much appreciated, and if you can do more than one, that would be fantastic!

The leaflets should be back from the printers by the end of next week, which just leaves next weekend (hopefully), w/c 22nd and the beginning of w/c 29th to get them all delivered.

Please email with which ‘walks’ you would be able to do (as soon as you can), and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can next week with further details.

Thank you in anticipation, the Forum Steering Group.

Here is a sneak preview of the Referendum leaflet!

As always please do feel free to ask any questions you may have on this week’s latest bulletin or anything else via the Contact Us page, and we’ll do our best to answer them via the Questions and Answers page.

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Reminder – Ask the Mayoral Candidates a Question

Just a reminder that you can ask the Mayoral Candidates a question by following this link.

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Brief News Items

Polling Cards

Separate polling cards for the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum on 2nd May have been issued by Broxtowe. If you haven’t already, you will receive yours soon if you live in the Forum Area. The usual methods of voting apply – in person at your designated polling station, by post or by proxy. Voter ID is required in person, and if you don’t already have a postal vote the deadline to apply is 17th April, and for a proxy vote the deadline is 24th April.

Civic Society Walk With An Expert

The Beeston & District Civic Society have asked us to publicise their Walk With An Expert programme for 2024, and we are happy to do so as we mutually promote each other on our respective websites. Here is the programme with some further information and additional notes for each walk here  

As always please do feel free to ask any questions you may have on this week’s latest bulletin or anything else via the Contact Us page, and we’ll do our best to answer them via the Questions and Answers page.

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