The following are links to websites that could be of interest and use for us in the Neighbourhood Forum.
The East Midlands Combined Authority is the Combined Authority for the Councils of Nottinghamshire, Nottingham City, Derbyshire and Derby City. With a budget of around £30M per year they hope to influence and accelerate aspects of Housing, Jobs, Transport and Net Zero, all things that are important to our Area.
Sources of advice and funding that are available to neighbourhood forums:
My Community: Neighbourhood Planning
Paris Smith: Solicitors
This article includes information on what has worked and not worked for other forums:
Forum for Neighbourhood Planning: Case studies
Government Guidance on neighbourhood planning:
Govt Guidance: Neighbourhood Planning
The East Midlands Development Corporation (EMDevCo) is the body responsible for the development of the three major areas in the East Midlands of which Toton/Chetwynd Barracks is one, “The Home of Next Generation Living & Working”.
The Midlands Engine a coalition of Councils and groups:
KEFA Design is the organisation Commissioned by the Neighbourhood Forum to provide a Forum Masterplan and Design Codes for the Neighbourhood Area.
Create Streets: An Organisation whose goal is “to make it easier to co-create beautiful, sustainable, prosperous, economically and socially successful places with strong local support and which residents will love for generations. We also take an active part in the debate about the planning and design in the UK and beyond to help landowners, communities and governments support the creation of sufficient homes and places in which people can flourish.”