Environmental Focus Group

(Updated 20/07/21 Page still under development)


  1. Compile the evidence necessary to designate Toton Fields LNR, Hobgoblin Wood, Memorial Garden, Ghost House Lane, Manor Farm Recreation Ground, Inham Nook Recreation Ground and Chetwynd Barracks Playing Fields as Local Green Space (LGS).
  2. Identify any other areas the local community views as possible candidates for LGS.
  3. Compile further evidence for the establishment of green space within the Plan Area. This to include evidence of the biodiversity in all areas of the site.
  4. Ensure that the management of all existing and created green space is properly funded. Seek new sources of funding to ensure that the green network including footpaths and cycleways meet the needs of the local community for recreation and sustainable transport while at the same time protecting as much of the natural environment as possible. In particular, seek to establish a Living Landscapes Officer who will have an overview of the connectivity of green spaces within and feeding into the Erewash Valley and will seek to influence all stakeholders with the need to work together to bring about this connectivity.
  5. Identify any mature trees which may have a TPO or be candidates for TPO. Identify veteran and ancient trees and record these with the Woodland Trust (https://ati.woodlandtrust.org.uk/what-we-record-and-why/). Monitor any development to ensure the loss of other trees is minimised and ensure habitat lost to development is replaced by equivalent species plus the necessary biodiversity gain
  6. Monitor developments ensuring they are supported by a green landscaping plan including infill and green boundaries which should, where possible, include the planting of native species and the creation and improvement of wildlife habitats in line with at least a 10% biodiversity gain (using the DEFRA metric).
  7. Monitor developments to ensure they have a positive impact on connectivity between ecological assets such as LNRs, SSSIs, LWSs, and green spaces beyond the Neighbourhood Area boundary, with specific reference to the ‘Hobgoblin Horseshoe’.
  8. Promote the creation of biodiverse areas such as native wildflower meadows within established green spaces such as Inham Nook Recreation Grounds and individual gardens promoting the Governments National Pollinator Strategy for instance.
  9. Support the provision of allotments and communal garden areas within the Plan Area which would contribute to the overall Green Infrastructure of the Plan Area..


Biodiversity Presentation


The bulletins are intended to let you know how we’re getting on