Nottinghamshire County Council is asking for views on the future of Nottinghamshire. The Forum will not be making a submission as we consider it important that as many individual views are submitted as possible.
How do you want Nottinghamshire to look in 10 years’ time? This is just one of the big questions in the ‘Big Notts Survey’. We want to hear from every Nottinghamshire resident on your hopes and concerns for the future as we emerge from this pandemic and look to a brighter long-term vison for our county.
This survey is short in the time it takes to complete but is big in its themes and aspirations. Feedback from the survey will form the cornerstone of the council’s new ambitious Council Plan which will be finalised this autumn and will look to the next 10 years and beyond whilst setting out its detailed priorities for the next four years.
Click on the picture above to compete the survey which is now open and closes on 19 September 2021.
Thank you in advance for sharing your views and for helping to build a better Nottinghamshire that benefits us all.