Just a couple of quick updates this week:-
Infrastructure Focus Group
One of the papers recently mentioned by Ian in a previous Digest (3rd July) is now available to view/download with this link Making cycling a viable option for accessing Toton Area Development from within a 5-mile radius. Please do have a read, it is worthwhile.
A Date For Your Diaries
Following on from our post on 31st July, the date for the Forum AGM is now set as Thursday 7th October at 7pm and will this year be held via Zoom for the first time! As you can imagine it has taken quite a bit of organising for us to do it this way, but we are nearly there! We are just finalising the nitty gritty and aiming to publish the agenda, registration process and formal notice next week. We hope to have an invited guest speaker, and once confirmed the agenda will be ready to share with you all.
In the meantime, please add the date above to your diaries and calendars. The AGM is scheduled to last just over the hour, but please bear with us if it takes a little longer using the technology!
We all know that these type of meetings can be a fairly dry affair (which is why we hope to have an invited speaker), but it is necessary that we share important information with you in a formal way, and as required by the Forum Constitution. It also provides our members with the opportunity to raise any Forum related issues with the current Steering Group. Without you, its members, the Forum wouldn’t exist so please do make every effort to attend the AGM as there will be some important items of business requiring formal approval by the membership, not least electing the new Steering Group for the coming year.
If you would like to put yourself forward to volunteer as a member of the Steering Group, there will be an opportunity to do so using the AGM registration form available next week. If you would like to consider this, as well as the Constitution (above), please also take some time to read the updated Steering Group Roles definitions and the Ways of Working.
Forum Membership
We have noticed that some of you receiving our posts & Digests are not on the Forum membership list. This is not an issue in itself, but if you would like to become a full member of the Forum please email your full name, address and postcode to assist.cttcnf@gmail.com. The criteria for full membership are anyone aged 16 years or over and who is either a resident or works in the two Broxtowe Borough wards of Chilwell West or Toton & Chilwell Meadows (The Forum Area). Junior members under 16 are also welcome. Everyone else will continue to be a ‘Friend’ of the Forum. Only full members are allowed to vote at General Meetings or stand for the Steering Group.
Rest assured that everyone registered to receive our posts & Digests will continue to do so irrespective of membership status.
As always please do feel free to ask any questions you may have on this or anything else via the Contact Us page, and we’ll do our best to answer them via the Questions and Answers page.
David, Vice Chair