Green Energy Initiatives & Discussion

Why does this page exist?

One of the Aspirations of the Forum’s Neighbourhood Plan is to be “An Energy Positive Community”. We want to design energy efficient new homes and to enhance the energy efficiency of existing homes in the neighbourhood.

Some people have already taken the first steps on this path, installing Solar panels, Air Source Heat Pumps etc. and the idea of this page is to bring together experiences (good and bad) to help us achieve our aspiration.

If you’d like to share your experiences with the wider community, let us know. We will publish them here, anonymised as far as possible to help other people make decisions from the plethora of options that seem to be available out there.

If you have something to say contact us through the form below and we’ll see what sort of conversation happens.

Green Energy Posts

  • Have your say: Consultation on reforms to the Energy Performance of Buildings regime - Have your say: Consultation on reforms to the Energy Performance of Buildings regime — Read on Whilst this isn’t directly relevant to the Neighbourhood Forum, this consultation is about how the calculation of a building’s EPC is calculated .
  • Midlands Energy Summit 1/12/2022 - Whilst this is nothing directly to do with our Neighbourhood Area, some of us attended the Midlands Energy Summit arranged by the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce. It consisted of a series of presentations and some workshops but was also … Continue reading
  • Nottingham Housing Retrofit Program - On 26th October 2022, some of us went to a presentation at Nottingham University on the Nottingham Retrofit Program. Whilst it was based on Nottingham City’s experiences on retrofitting their housing stock to help them achieve Net Zero, it emphasised … Continue reading
  • Green Initiatives latest news - As a follow on our latest post where we advised on two schemes to support homeowners, the “Green Deal” and the “Renewable Heat Incentive it has come to our attention that a new local scheme has been made available and … Continue reading
  • Green Energy posts follow up 6th March 2021 - Following our latest Green Energy post we have been asked for more details on how to start the process, potential firms to use and costs that maybe incurred. So to be clear we are not the experts on these matters … Continue reading
  • Government Green Initiatives (Renewable Heat Incentive) - As part of our Community Development Focus Group, “green initiatives” are one of the many areas the group is working on. We are aware that the Government is currently running two initiatives and one is receiving bad press whilst the … Continue reading