The Design Code and Masterplan work commissioned by the Neighbourhood Forum was open to comment with comments received from a number of interested parties and organisations up until the 1st October 2023.
Members of the Forum Steering Group considered the comments and a complete list of comments and responses can be found by following the links below. The Forum has (at this time) no additional funding to update the documents following comments and the members of the Steering Group recognise that to update the documents requires levels of skill and expertise that they don’t have. As a result, they have annotated the documents where appropriate to indicate where they believe changes will be required to address the comments made.
It must be recognised that the “Masterplan” and “Design Codes” are not statutory documents and have no standing in Planning. They are “indicative” proposals put forward by the Neighbourhood Forum to provide a vision of what developments may look like and to embody the spirit of, and Policies within, the Neighbourhood Plan. Other proposals may be submitted by land owners and developers.
Much of the work was completed before the Government issued the Integrated Rail Plan which moved the HS2 Hub station from Toton to East Midlands Parkway. This change may have a substantial impact on the Neighbourhood Area, particularly the Strategic Area for Growth and in particular, that area West of the trainline (which is outside the Neighbourhood Boundary) but also the area between Stapleford Lane/Toton Lane and the trainline.
The Comments Spreadsheet contains all of the comments received and an indication of the areas which the Steering Group reviewers consider might need to be amended. The Documents contain annotations which link back to those comments highlighting the main area where the reviewers thought changes would need to be made. There are probably other areas which are not highlighted and when the Masterplan & Design Codes are revised, all comments (and other changes to the proposals for the area) will have to be taken into account.