Happy Mothering Sunday!
Well, the weather last week was milder, the days are longer, the frogs are frisky (in our community pond at least!) so it’s surely time to shake off winter and look forward to summer. The Steering Group held a planning workshop on Thursday which resulted in a plethora of activities and actions for the next few months being mapped out on the walls of our office. I only wish I could have been there – unfortunately a throat virus kept me away. I’m looking forward to catching up with the outputs on Monday & I’ll report back on the main themes next week. In the meantime…
1. Ongoing consultation activities
· I reported last week that we had completed our formal community consultation events, and we were pleased with the input gathered. We have now received the reports from our consultants and we will be working through them over the next few weeks. I’ll summarise the outputs in a future digest
· However, consultation is an ongoing process and we are now planning the next set of activities; targeting businesses and significant landowners in our Area. We plan to survey each business and ideally meet with the larger ones to gather their thoughts and plans for the future.
· We also want to meet each significant landowner and, to that end, we have arranged to meet with Heart Church next Tuesday. Heart Church own a significant chunk of land to the west of Stapleford Lane (land bordering Cleve Avenue). We want to introduce ourselves to them but, more importantly, understand their thoughts & plans for their landholding in Toton especially in light of the HS2 Growth Strategy proposals.
2. Community events – see you there!
· We are also planning to attend as many community events as possible over the next 6 months. During March you will find us at a number of parent events at local schools……
o Fairfield Primary Academy on Weds 14th & Thurs 15th between 3.15-6.00
o Bispham Drive Junior School on Mon 19th & Weds 21st between 3.30-6.30
o Eskdale Junior School on Weds 28th between 3.30-7.00
· Our consultants, RCAN, will also be completing the planned street surveys over the next 2 weeks, so if you are around, please take the time to pop over and have a chat:
o Toton Lane tram terminus on Weds 14th between 9.30am-12.30pm
o Sainsbury Local, Blenheim Drive on Tues 20th between 9.30 am – 12.00 noon
o West Point Retail Park on Tues 20th between 1.00pm – 3.30pm
· A date further ahead for your diary: we have booked a stall at this year’s Toton fete (organised by Toton Tesco) on Saturday July 21st
· If you know of other fetes or events taking place this summer, please let me know so we can look to come along. As I may have mentioned before, the more feedback/comments/ideas we get from everyone with an interest in our Area, the stronger our Plan will be.
3. University outputs published at last!
· I promised a while ago to share the outputs the university students produced for us last autumn. We have broken down the reports into manageable chunks to make them easier to access. To quickly explain the format of these reports: 23 students were involved in the project and they arranged themselves into 6 working groups (sections). These groups each worked through 3 phases of the project: analysis; consultation; and proposals. Hence the reports are collated into the 3 phases with 6 sections in each (section 3 merged their analysis and consultation phase into one report)
· You can access all reports from this link to a page on our website.
· The page provides individual links to all the reports as follows
o Analysis – 6 separate reports (Sections 3, 4 and 5 are worth a look)
o Consultation – 5 separate reports (Sections 1 and 5 are worth a look)
o Proposals – 6 separate reports (all are worth a look but for me Section 3 is the best)
· Be warned, some of these reports are huge (Proposals, Section3 for instance) and you may be asked to download some to your PC first rather than view them on-line.
· Please leave your comments about these reports on our website or via email to me. We very much welcome all thoughts and feedback.
4. And finally…..a couple of snippets:
· A couple of us attended Bramcote CAT meeting last Monday to hear the latest news of their Neighbourhood Plan. They have finished drafting their Plan and are almost ready to submit it to the Council for examination. However, they have been advised to wait until the Council’s Local Plan is published (expected in June) to ensure their Plan includes relevant Borough policies
· Talking about published Neighbourhood Plans; Nuthall Parish Council have submitted their Neighbourhood Plan to the Council to review. So if you are interested is seeing what a completed Plan looks like, here is a link to the relevant page on the Council’s website and here is a link to the actual Plan
· We’ve been in touch with Ruth Hyde, the Chief Executive of Broxtowe Borough Council, requesting a meeting with her to build on the strong relationship we already have with the Planning team. Ruth welcomes the chance to meet us and so it’s now a question of sorting out a convenient date for us both – more on this in a future edition.
That’s all for now, published a day late this week due to attending a meeting yesterday afternoon completing the handover of responsibilities to our new Treasurer, Denise. More news next week.
Kind regards
On behalf of the CTTC Forum Steering Group
Website: www.cttcnf.org.uk Facebook: use this link and ‘like’ us to stay in touch