Another reminder asking for comments on the Design Codes, Masterplans and supporting documents by the 30th June 2023 and thanks to those of you who have already commented
Over the past six years the Community of Chilwell West and Toton & Chilwell Meadows, through its Neighbourhood Forum, have been writing the Neighbourhood Plan which is in its final stages. The Neighbourhood Plan is an important part of the Planning Process for Developments in the Area but only covers those things which are quantifiable, measurable and enforceable. So towards the end, Consultants were commissioned to create Design Codes. Design Codes provide guidance to developers on the more qualitative aspects of Developments, things that the Planning Process can’t enforce but which the Community would like to see (things like the uses for existing buildings, energy and water efficiency in excess of building regulations, etc.).
The documents have been created by the Consultants for the Community. The MOD/DIO, EMDevCo and Broxtowe Borough Council have had no inputs to them.
Design Guides will influence Developers at an early stage, showing them what the Community would like, want and expect so that the Development when planned is more likely to be meet with the Community’s approval.
If there are things within these documents that you (as individuals or groups) want to comment on (good or bad), now is your chance. If you don’t comment, then your views won’t be heard at this early stage. There’s no such thing as a “wrong comment”. The Design Codes are not “set in concrete”, they will change as circumstances change. All comments will be retained and, as later, more detailed, versions of the Design Codes are created, all comments will be taken into account.
An end commenting date has been set, not because comments will not be accepted thereafter but because without an end date the process will drift and lose focus.
Make your comments NOW to influence Developments at an early stage.
The comments received so far and the responses given are included in the above page.