Tag Archives: Chetwynd Neighbourhood Forum

Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Final Reminder

This is a final reminder to cast your vote in the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum on Thursday 2nd May.See last weekend’s post for further details and Click on the image below to view the Referendum Leaflet: If you are unsure where … Continue reading

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Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Reminder

You won’t be surprised that this weekend’s latest news post is all about the Referendum, as it will be the last one before the big day! Polling Day (2nd May) is fast approaching so please make your vote count in … Continue reading

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Call to Action!

As mentioned last week you should now have received your polling cards for the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum. We are planning to deliver a Forum leaflet with some additional information to the 6,500 homes within the Forum Area, and we need … Continue reading

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Brief News Items

Polling Cards Separate polling cards for the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum on 2nd May have been issued by Broxtowe. If you haven’t already, you will receive yours soon if you live in the Forum Area. The usual methods of voting apply … Continue reading

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Neighbourhood Forum Updates

Broxtowe Decision Statement Further to our post on 7th February providing the outcome of the Cabinet meeting to approve that the Neighbourhood Plan can proceed to local referendum, Broxtowe have published their formal Decision Statement. In summary, Cabinet resolved at … Continue reading

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Toton Battery Storage Correction

One of the links in this weekend’s Toton Battery Storage post is no longer working. To view the planning application go to the Broxtowe Planning Application Search page and enter 22/00799/FUL into the search box. Apologies for any inconvenience this … Continue reading

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Neighbourhood Plan – Examiner’s Report

Following on from last week’s post, the Examiner’s Report received on 17th January and concluding the Examination of the Neighbourhood Plan, has now been published on Broxtowe’s website here, and is also linked through from our website Plan page. The … Continue reading

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Toton Battery Storage

We have received a notification from Broxtowe that an appeal has been launched against the Planning Committee’s decision to reject this application 22/00799/FUL for a Battery Energy Storage System at Southfields Farm, Common Lane in Bramcote, which is in the … Continue reading

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What Is Happening With The Neighbourhood Plan?

To answer this question, here is a recap of the past 12 months or so:- The submission version of the Plan underwent Independent Examination in November 2022. Following the hearing, the Examiner requested substantial changes to sections of the Plan, … Continue reading

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Toton Fields

We have been asked by Councillor Teresa Cullen (Ward Councillor for Toton & Chilwell Meadows and current Broxtowe Mayor) to provide the following update in relation to controlling the Oak Processionary Moth, that you may remember caused a lot of … Continue reading

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