Hi everyone,
I do hope this message finds you all safe and well in these continuing different times.
As far as the forum is concerned we have been very busy establishing the focus groups and holding various internal and stakeholder meetings. The Focus group leads will be sending you all an update on current activities and we want to encourage any members of the forum that feel they could help to let us know as the workload increases over the coming months.
The highlights of the meetings in the last month are as follows :
- Meetings held with Oxalis to understand their representation to the Strategic Masterplan consultation, this is the group that represent the landowners of Wheatgrass farm. They have presented an outline proposal for the land, as they have done over many years and we are trying to further understand the proposal before anything comes forward. We will keep you all posted on this.
- Meetings held with Homes England and Avison Young (Defense Instrastructre Organisation consultant) where we discussed current plans to put together their Masterplan outline planning application by the end of 2021 and they also advised a number of the reports that they are working on and plan to share with us with regards to Tree surveys and ecological surveys as well. A significant positive from this meeting was that they have opened dialogue with Annington Homes (the group that own the residential dwellings on the site) and they have now provided us with a direct contact at Annington for us to discuss direct in relation to our plans and needs for the infrastructure through the barracks land to relieve Stapleford Lane in the future.
- Continued involvement in the Strategic Planning Group which is hosted by Nottinghamshire County Council and in the recent meeting held this week, Arup (the Strategic Masterplan consultant) presented the findings of the consultation held at the back end of last year. They identified that the virtual event was well attended with a number of good points identified by the community as a whole and with a good overall involvement. They will hold follow up consultations in the coming months which they hope to be more physical in appearance as well as virtual if Covid restrictions are eased / lifted.
I have to say a big thank you as always to all our volunteers who are spending large amounts of their time representing us all in the community and presenting very compelling positions that all stakeholders are taking notice of in our goal to deliver the plan as we presented to you all in draft form. The update on the plan is also explained by David.
In the next digest I hope to give you further updates on the emerging East Midland Development Corporation and what they are working on that will have a direct influence on our community in the future.
Please do come forward with any questions or thoughts you may have as things do move forward and we strive to ensure that the Neighbourhood Plan is adopted in the coming months.
All the best
Chairman – CTTC Neighbourhood Forum.