Following on in our series of support documents to our Design Codes we are please to share the Housing Numbers Study Document. As you will be aware Broxtowe Borough Council has set housing targets in its Local Plan (4,500 homes on Chetwynd Barracks and Strategic Land for Growth (SLG)), that we have been closely working with both within our Neighbourhood Plan and our subsequent Master Plan. In order to facilitate these numbers we needed to understand the best place to locate the housing and what type of housing to consider. One of our main considerations was the fact we wanted to ensure we maximised the green space within our area and realised that to do this we had to consider “built up” areas and apartment living to succeed in our aim. Another was the changing profile of the population with more smaller households. By using this study, it helped inform our Master Plan and Design Design Codes. (One area of complexity is that the Neighbourhood Area excludes part of the SLG. Broxtowe have never identified how many homes are proposed for the two parts of the SLG)
You will see that the Study includes the “Character Areas” and as such mirrors all of the work we have done up to this point. It is also important to reiterate that these are our suggestions and visions, nothing here is set in stone, as we do not have detailed survey’s of the area, particularly Chetwynd Barracks, as surveying is still going on by the DIO (Defence Infrastructure Organisation). This was an exercise to see if we could balance the tricky task of ensuring the housing was massed in the best way possible.
As ever, please feel to comment on the attached link and we will ensure we try to respond accordingly in due course.