Here’s the latest weekly digest, a little earlier than normal because I’m about to go away for the weekend. However I wanted to let you know about some ideas/aspirations being considered regarding the HS2 Hub Station and in the immediate vicinity. And I also wanted to let you have a copy of our latest newsletter along with a couple of updates.
- East Midlands HS2 Hub Station
- The Forum has been invited to join the East Midlands HS2 Hub Station Delivery Board. This Board comprises: HS2 Ltd, Network Rail, Highways England, along with the following local authorities: Broxtowe, Erewash, Nottingham & Derby City councils, and Notts & Derbys County councils.
- The meetings are held quarterly and we attended the June Board
- One of the main items on the agenda was to consider the ‘policy’ for the Toton Strategic Growth Area. I’ve attached the policy document in full for your information but the headline aspirations are:
- Provide space to expand or relocate George Spencer Academy, potentially to the eastern side of Toton/Stapleford Lane
- Provide space for a relocated Leisure centre including a swimming pool, potentially as part of the Academy
- Provide a new health centre along with neighbourhood scale retail shops
- Vehicle access to the station to be provided from A52.
- Extend the tram to the station and ensure the design allows for the possibility to further extend the tram into Long Eaton and beyond.
- Extensive green infrastructure around the location to include the southern boundary between Hobgoblin Wood in the east and Toton Fields in the west.
- Relocate the electricity substation, sewage works and Network Rail/DB Schenker off site
- Create an innovation village providing a significant number of new high skilled jobs. May include large scale conference facilities; possibly a hotel.
- We need to be aware these are all aspirations at this stage. HS2 partners have been asked to provide estimates of costs that might be involved. Only when the numbers have been crunched will we know what is/isn’t feasible.
- But the important point to remember at this stage is that all ideas are ‘on the table’ and nothing has been ruled out.
- Please read through the full document and if you have any ideas/suggestions for the Growth Area, please let us have them and we’ll forward them on.
- Forum newsletter: 2nd edition
- I’ve also attached the 2nd edition of our newsletter. This publication is designed to inform our members of our activities, especially those without emails. Feel free to print a copy and circulate to friends and neighbours.
- Clearly, now we have started to produce these weekly digests, there will be some overlap with information so the SG will be reviewing our comms strategy and deciding how best we ensure those members who are not on-line are kept informed.
- Perhaps we focus these quarterly publications to more in-depth articles as opposed to the snippets provided in the digests. Your views will be very welcome.
- Peveril Application for Toton Lane: consultation meeting
- The consultation meeting held on Wednesday went well. We received some very good feedback which will be incorporated into our response to the council. If anyone else has any further feedback or comments please do let us know
- We are now drafting our response to be reviewed over the next few days and then it will be submitted to the council.
- Chilwell Play Day next Monday: on-off-and now…… ON again
- Thanks to the timely intervention of one of our local councillors (Lee Fletcher) we have now been allowed to take part in the Play Day next Monday on Inham Nook Recreation Ground
- Please come along between 12.00 and 16.00 and have a chat to members of the Steering Group. We are keen to find out your views and thoughts about the area, ‘what’s good’ and ‘what’s not so good’ and needs improving.
- There will be large scale maps of the area and we will be able to explain in more detail the Hub Station ideas outlined above. These ideas will affect all of us whether we live in Chilwell or Toton – we need to hear your views!
- And our thanks to Lee for arranging our late admission to the event. Our local councillors do receive these communications and Lee’s intervention only goes to show their active support for the Forum.