Author Archives: CTTC Forum

Neighbourhood Plan – Council Adoption

The Neighbourhood Plan was unanimously Adopted by Broxtowe Borough Council at its Council meeting on the 15th May 2024 and therefore becomes part of the Statutory Development Plan for the Neighbourhood Area, influencing any Planning Application Decisions. Several councillors congratulated … Continue reading

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Upcoming Civic Society Events

Beeston & District Civic Society have organised the following events (click on the images below to see further details on their website). This one is mainly for young people over the bank holiday weekend at Inham Nook Recreation Ground, Chilwell:- … Continue reading

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Neighbourhood Plan Referendum – More Info

Here is a further update following our Newsflash on Friday announcing the result of the Neighbourhood Plan referendum. The full result is available on Broxtowe’s website here. Further good news – following the count, Broxtowe Borough Council’s Chief Executive (Ruth … Continue reading

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Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Result

The result is in, and we are extremely pleased that the Neighbourhood Plan has passed the referendum with 3,606 votes in favour, and with a very significant 86.7% majority of the votes cast. The turnout was also pretty impressive too for … Continue reading

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Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Final Reminder

This is a final reminder to cast your vote in the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum on Thursday 2nd May.See last weekend’s post for further details and Click on the image below to view the Referendum Leaflet: If you are unsure where … Continue reading

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Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Reminder

You won’t be surprised that this weekend’s latest news post is all about the Referendum, as it will be the last one before the big day! Polling Day (2nd May) is fast approaching so please make your vote count in … Continue reading

Posted in Latest News, Neighbourhood Plan, Steering Group | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Forum Digest – 19th April 2024

Just two things this week. Neighbourhood Plan Referendum (2nd May 2024) Postal voting forms and our Referendum Leaflet are beginning to pop through doors. Remember, the question that’s important to us is: “Do you want Broxtowe Borough Council to use … Continue reading

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Call to Action!

As mentioned last week you should now have received your polling cards for the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum. We are planning to deliver a Forum leaflet with some additional information to the 6,500 homes within the Forum Area, and we need … Continue reading

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Reminder – Ask the Mayoral Candidates a Question

Just a reminder that you can ask the Mayoral Candidates a question by following this link.

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Brief News Items

Polling Cards Separate polling cards for the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum on 2nd May have been issued by Broxtowe. If you haven’t already, you will receive yours soon if you live in the Forum Area. The usual methods of voting apply … Continue reading

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