Forum Digest 12th February 2022

A number of updates and items of interest in this week’s newsletter:-

Forum Re-Designation Consultation

The consultation to re-designate the Forum closed on 28th January. We understand that Broxtowe received a number of responses from individuals and organisations, the vast majority raising no objection to the Forum continuing for another five years. Once anonymised, the responses will be made available on Broxtowe’s website, and we will share the link with you when we have it.

Stakeholder meetings

Following the HS2/Integrated Rail Plan (IRP) announcement and the separate decision to delay the vacation of Chetwynd Barracks, we have been seeking to hold meetings with the key stakeholders – Broxtowe, Notts CC, EMDevCo and Midlands Connect, to understand their thinking as to how the Forum’s aspirations for the developments, infrastructure, housing, community facilities, local jobs, and especially environmental aspects for our Area can still be taken forward, and where/how the previously promised level of investment will come from/be raised!

To this end (and in relation to our Regulation 16 consultation see ‘and Finally’ below) we had a quick catch-up meeting this week with Ruth Hyde, Chief Executive at Broxtowe. Next week we are meeting with Homes England and the DIO re the barracks, and also with EMDevCo to discuss the whole Toton & Chetwynd site.

When we have held discussions and talks with all the key players and have a better understanding of what is now possible, we will let you know. Rest assured the Forum will be pressing for all our aspirations and Plan policies to be implemented to make our Area an even better place to live than it is already. That has been our aim and vision from the outset, and you, our members, have contributed enormously to that objective. There must be no let down for the community now!

Beeston and District Civic Society

Richard (our Chair) and I were very pleased to accept an invitation to speak on Friday night at the Beeston and District Civic Society meeting, held at the Pearson Centre, Beeston. A copy of the presentation can be viewed/downloaded here or from this page on our website.

It seemed to be well received, and if you are interested in the work of the Society, then more information can be found on their website  

and Finally ……..

As per the last digest post, we have continued to press Broxtowe to initiate the statutory Regulation 16 consultation on our revised Neighbourhood Plan submitted back in November, see the Plan page on our website. Unfortunately, we have hit a couple of snags in the requirement to make our documents accessible, and also to have the correct file types for the overall policies map. We are nearly there with both of these issues, so hopefully there will be better news next time!

As always please do feel free to ask any questions you may have on this or anything else via the Contact Us page, and we’ll do our best to answer them via the Questions and Answers page.

David, Vice Chair

This entry was posted in Chetwynd Barracks, Consultation, HS2 Hub Station, Latest News, Neighbourhood Plan. Bookmark the permalink.

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