Happy (belated) New Year to you all and welcome to the first Forum newsletter of 2022! Following the Christmas break, the Steering Group have now started to wind ourselves back up for the challenges this new year may bring. Our first SG meeting of 2022 is this coming week.
So just a couple of updates for now:-
Toton & Chetwynd Strategic Masterplan Consultation Closed
This consultation run by Broxtowe Borough Council has now closed. The Steering Group on behalf of the Forum made a submission which can be viewed/downloaded via our website Consultations page. We would also like to thank all of you who submitted responses too.
We commissioned our consultants Kefa Design to provide a professional response of our views on the SM-SPD, and to critique it on our behalf. They have done a fantastic job as you will see, and the forty page document is very comprehensive. We trust the views expressed will be taken forward by Broxtowe in the next iteration of the SM-SPD. Not least because the publication of the Integrated Rail Plan for the Midlands & North, published in November, has a significant impact on, and implications for, the existing plans for Toton sidings and the immediate vicinity.
Also, it came to our attention over the Christmas period that the MOD announced (also in November) that the vacation date for the Chetwynd Barracks site has been put back again, this time to 2026! See here. In separate discussion with the DIO, we understand that the actual disposal date is likely to be the following year. This also puts into question the housing allocation for our Area within the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan which ends in 2028, and the dates expressed in the SM-SPD for development of the site cannot be met.
Therefore, we think it likely that the SM-SPD will have to be revised and consulted on again in the near future, as it is already out of date!
Forum Re-Designation Consultation
Just a reminder that this consultation is still open until 28th January. Details and how to respond are on the council’s website here and also our Consultations page as above.
We ask for as many of you, our members and friends, as possible to respond. It really is a very simple & short response form. A Word version of which is now available to download from the council website and can be emailed back to policy@broxtowe.gov.uk Thank you.
and Finally ……..
We continue to press Broxtowe to initiate the statutory Regulation 16 consultation on our revised Neighbourhood Plan submitted back in November, see the Plan page on our website. More on this in the coming weeks as further discussions are held.
As always please do feel free to ask any questions you may have on this or anything else via the Contact Us page, and we’ll do our best to answer them via the Questions and Answers page.
David, Vice Chair