AGM Feedback and Actions
Thank you to those of you who have already submitted your feedback for how you found the online AGM this year. This is the last call for those who registered for the AGM and subsequently received the feedback form by email but haven’t yet completed it, to do so if you wish to provide your comments. The Steering Group will be reviewing responses at our first meeting since the AGM, on Thursday this week. We will also be electing the officers at this meeting for the coming twelve months/next AGM, and agreeing the AGM draft minutes before making them available on the website to view. Of course they can’t be approved until the next general meeting of the Forum membership.
We have also added some video clips to the AGM Page. These are our Chair, Richard Hutchinson’s report covering the last couple of years, and closing remarks looking to the future and answering a question submitted during the course of the meeting. Plus the whole of Richard Carr’s presentation, for which we are grateful for his permission to do so. Due to some technical difficulties during editing, the questions he answered at the end of his presentation aren’t included, but we will add them as another clip as soon as we can. The slides are also available separately on the page.
The final action arising from the AGM, following the unanimous approval for the Forum to extend its lifespan for a further five years, is the application to re-designate the Forum will be submitted to Broxtowe Borough Council early this week. N.B. The Forum Area doesn’t expire and therefore remains unchanged.
SEA Environmental Report
Further to the Neighbourhood Plan Update post on 2nd October, we have now received the final Environmental Report from AECOM. You can read it on the updated Plan page. Although it is a long document in total, the report itself is about a third of it at just under forty pages, with the remainder being the initial Scoping Report from April as Appendix A.
The Steering Group have now agreed revised policy wording following the recommendations in the report, and for some other policies previously suggested by Broxtowe. We will now update the Plan and submit the revised version to Broxtowe, along with a new modifications document and the Environmental Report, in the next couple of weeks. We will then add it to the website Plan page as promised. We will also need to update both the Consultation and Basic Conditions Statements ahead of the Regulation 16 consultation.
and Finally …….
You may have seen a recent BBC article on HS2, where our Chair, Richard provided some Forum comments, along with the views of other local residents. This prompted a question to us from a concerned Toton resident. You can view this and our answer on the Q&A page as below.
As always please do feel free to ask any questions you may have on this or anything else via the Contact Us page, and we’ll do our best to answer them via the Questions and Answers page.
David, Vice Chair