Three things this week:
Firstly: Privacy Policy – as the Neighbourhood Plan approaches Referendum, we happened to look at our Privacy Policy and realised it would require us to delete all our information if it passed. As the Forum will continue (at least for a while) we didn’t think that was sensible so we’ve modified it slightly. The updated policy is available through the menu on the website.
Secondly: Nottingham Forest
Following up on our recent post regarding the possibility of Nottingham Forest relocating to Toton, we watched Nottingham County Council’s full Council Meeting on the 21st March 2024 discussing Motion 2:-
“This council resolves to explore options with stakeholders at Nottingham Forest Football Club and others to try to secure the future of the club. This may include whether there are any potentially suitable County Council sites which may be marketed for disposal in future.”
The discussion (available here) was an hour long and resulted in a modified version of the motion being adopted 48 in favour, 11 abstentions and 0 against.
There are two concerns that affect us as a community:
- At no point did the Council members consider the impact upon the community where the new stadium would be built; and
- As Notts County Council is a significant landowner in the Strategic Land for Growth and major contributor to the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan which makes proposals for employment and housing in the area, the County Council may have a conflict of interest.
And Finally: Wishing you all a Happy Easter and hoping that the weather improves
As usual if you have questions please contact-us
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