Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan – Strategic Distribution and Logistics Preferred Approach Consultation

In January this year, Broxtowe Borough, Gedling Borough, Nottingham City and Rushcliffe Borough Councils carried out a public consultation on the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan Preferred Approach. This focussed on the amount and distribution of housing and employment development and the identification of strategic sites in the plan area.

Having considered the representations received, an additional Preferred Approach consultation is now being undertaken before the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan is published for final consultation and submission to the Secretary of State in 2024. This focusses on the provision of Strategic Distribution and Logistics development, identifying sites that will make a contribution to meeting logistics needs within the wider Greater Nottingham area. 

The deadline for comments is Tuesday 7 November 2023.

Please submit comments using our consultation portal, this ensures your comments are securely received, can be processed efficiently and reduces the unnecessary use of paper. (You can find our data protection policy here).

How do I find out more information?

The Preferred Approach document can also be viewed through the consultation portal. Further information regarding this consultation and all supporting documents can be viewed at:

If you have any queries in respect of this letter/consultation or you would like some assistance using the consultation portal, please contact your relevant local authority below:

  • Broxtowe Borough Council:          0115 917 3452
  • Gedling Borough Council:             0115 901 3733 or 0115 901 3734
  • Nottingham City Council:              0115 876 4594
  • Rushcliffe Borough Council:         0115 981 9911

The Preferred Approach document is also available to view at some council offices and a limited number of libraries, please use the contact details above should you wish to see a paper copy.

More information on the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan can be found at:

The deadline for comments is Tuesday 7 November 2023. 

Yours faithfully,

MG Autograph

Matt Gregory
On behalf of the Greater Nottingham Planning Partnership

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