Watching the Broxtowe Weekly Planning reports, we saw that permission has been granted for the demolition of the Inham Nook Hotel. Whilst no indication is given in the application as to what will be done with the site, we are led to believe that it will be used to build Council Houses (just under 20 we think).
Despite the prolonged delay in Broxtowe Borough Council submitting the Neighbourhood Plan for Regulation 16 we hope that they continue to recognise it (as they have promised in the past), and use its principles and policies to deliver high quality, affordable, energy efficient homes using modern methods of construction to speed up delivery of these much needed homes.
Forum Re-Designation
Following Broxtowe Borough Council’s decision to approve the re-designation of the Forum, the formal decision notice is now here on the Broxtowe website and also here on ours.
As always please do feel free to ask any questions you may have on this or anything else via the Contact Us page, and we’ll do our best to answer them via the Questions and Answers page.