Category Archives: Newsflash

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Neighbourhood Plan Referendum – More Info

Here is a further update following our Newsflash on Friday announcing the result of the Neighbourhood Plan referendum. The full result is available on Broxtowe’s website here. Further good news – following the count, Broxtowe Borough Council’s Chief Executive (Ruth … Continue reading

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Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Result

The result is in, and we are extremely pleased that the Neighbourhood Plan has passed the referendum with 3,606 votes in favour, and with a very significant 86.7% majority of the votes cast. The turnout was also pretty impressive too for … Continue reading

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Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Final Reminder

This is a final reminder to cast your vote in the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum on Thursday 2nd May.See last weekend’s post for further details and Click on the image below to view the Referendum Leaflet: If you are unsure where … Continue reading

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Community Action Team Meeting 14th March

Councillor Cullen has just let us know that there will be another Toton & Chilwell Meadows CAT meeting this week on Thursday evening 14th March at 7.30pm at Coronation Hall, Toton (details below).She apologises for the short notice, but please … Continue reading

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Urgent – Consultation on Toton East Housing

Updated: Pegasus has now closed this consultation. Our submitted comments can be found following this link. We would still be interested in your views contact us if you have any comments to make. On Monday 12th February 2024 we received … Continue reading

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Broxtowe Cabinet Unanimously Approves our Neighbourhood Plan to proceed to Referendum

At their meeting on the 6th February 2024, the Broxtowe Borough Council Cabinet unanimously approved the Chetwynd: The Toton & Chilwell Neighbourhood Forum Neighbourhood Plan, when modified as per the Independent Examiner’s recommendations, to proceed to Local Referendum. This means … Continue reading

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Toton Battery Storage Correction

One of the links in this weekend’s Toton Battery Storage post is no longer working. To view the planning application go to the Broxtowe Planning Application Search page and enter 22/00799/FUL into the search box. Apologies for any inconvenience this … Continue reading

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Reminder: Broxtowe Budget Consultation

Broxtowe Borough Council have asked us to share with you their annual Budget Consultation. Full details can be found here: The consultation closes on the 26th November 2023 The survey asks for views on the wide range of services … Continue reading

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Design Code & Neighbourhood Plan Updates

Meeting with Local Residents Earlier this week members of the Steering Group met with some of our local residents to discuss their concerns as to how some of the suggestions put forward in the Forum Design Codes would affect properties … Continue reading

Posted in Chetwynd Barracks, Consultation, Design Codes, FGCommunity, Latest News, Neighbourhood Plan, Newsflash, Steering Group | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Quick Update Design Codes

On the 13th March 2023, East Midland DevCo announced to us that they are putting out their “High level” Design Codes out for public consultation, please see the invitation below. The consultation will be open until the 7th April 2023. … Continue reading

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