Whilst we have created the Neighbourhood Plan and have ideas for the Masterplans for the Area, Developers will create their own Masterplans and designs that suit them and so we’ll need robust local opinions to hold sway.
We have succeeded in gaining funding to help develop our Masterplan even further and bring it right up to date.
When called upon previously our local forum members and supporters did a magnificent job in influencing our Neighbourhood Plan to get it to completion where it is currently going through the final stages before its examination later this year, where we expect it to be accepted and then to run alongside Broxtowe Borough Councils Local Plan.
So this is where we would like you to help us again. As part of us bringing our Masterplan right up to date and make it a strong contender to help us influence what actually happens to our Area, we thought it a good idea to engage your help once more. Therefore in the ensuing weeks we will be sending out a series of questionnaires to engage your opinions on various topics from shopping and hospitality; community facilities; housing; leisure through to community power and water use.
We hope you will take part and have your say once more and help us ensure that the area is developed to how the local community want it to be and not, as is usual, how outside Developers impose what will make them the most money with scant regard to local opinion.
This is genuinely your chance to shape the future of our area for many years to come.
Please help us ensure your voices are heard loud and clear.
Best Regards,
The Community Development Focus Group