Hello everyone
Welcome back! And let me start by wishing you all a Happy New Year! I think I can still get away with it as it’s not yet half way through the month. I was intending to restart these digests last week, but I picked up a heavy dose of ‘man flu’ which knocked me back. As I write this my wife is rolling her eyes and muttering “imp!” or something like, but I don’t see the connection or relevance. Be that as it may, I’m now fully recovered and back in the saddle. A quick update this week…
1. Chetwynd, Toton and Chilwell Community Interest Company (CIC) is now fully fledged
- It’s been a long gestation, but I’m pleased to report that our CIC has now been set up. You will recall we reported our intention to create a separate company last year to help ensure longevity of the Forum and provide the mechanism to oversee the delivery of our Plan once it is adopted.
- There are five directors of the CIC – all members of the Steering Group – and their first task is to meet and set up the priorities and immediate tasks for the company.
- They intend to do this before the end of the month and will report on their initial thoughts at the AGM next month – Sunday February 10 at 3pm at the Village Hotel. See below for more info…
- If you are interested in finding out more CICs and how they work, here is a link to a government website that provides an introduction via some leaflets.
2. Local Plan follow-up workshop
- We attended a workshop hosted by Broxtowe Council earlier in the week to discuss a strategic masterplan for the Strategic Growth Area (SGA) zone – the land either side of Toton Lane (albeit south of the tram line on the east side).
- Besides the Borough council and ourselves there were representatives from Notts County Council and Peveril, the land owners.
- I reported before Christmas that Peveril are keen to start building new homes on the southern part of the SGA. A key output from the workshop was to confirm that the northern edge of the southern part (if that makes sense) will be the footpath that runs from Toton Lane, next to the substation, down the field towards Bessel Lane farm.
- There is still further refinement needed but Broxtowe have enough to meet the requirements the Independent Examiner put to them at December’s hearings.
3. County Council Traffic meeting
- Members of the Steering Group’s Infrastructure strand also met with the County Council’s traffic team during the week. We have been angling to meet them for quite a while so we can:
- Get hold of information relating to traffic volumes on our key roads, in particular Stapleford Lane and Swiney Way and
- Provide input to the design of the new road infrastructure planned for the A52/Bardills Island area to cope with access to/from HS2 station as well as the north/south road through the Barracks.
- It is early days, but it is good to have established a working relationship with the traffic planners and we look forward to contributing our ideas for the new roads.
4. AGM – Sunday February 10th at 3pm at the Village Hotel
- I’ve mentioned this before, and you’ll hear more about it in future digests. But I would ask you to note the date in your diary now.
- We had a fantastic turnout last year – over 300 – so we have a lot to live up to. And we would love to match last year if not exceed it! We know we have to get smarter at registration and we will streamline that process.
- HS2 Ltd have already agreed to have a stall again and we will be inviting the Defence Infrastructure Organisation to come along with part of their display, in case you missed it last autumn
- In addition, we are aiming to showcase our own ideas for the plaza/’village centre’ in the Barracks as well as provide other maps illustrating our thoughts for green corridors and cycle routes.
- So, there will be a lot to see and comment on. More on this as and when plans firm up.
5. And finally…..
- No space for any “and finally’s” this time. I promised a quick update to gently ease you back into these digests so I won’t disappoint
See you next week
Kind regards
Broxtowe Lotto: tickets available from our CTTC Forum page where you’ll also find details of the scheme.