Hello again,
A busy couple of weeks since the last edition so I’ll quickly get started and update you with the outcomes of a series of meetings.
1. Toton Churches.
- We’ve had a long-standing invitation to meet with Toton Churches for a while but pressure of the Plan meant coordinating diaries were tricky on our side. So we were glad to meet up with Rev Colin Bourne and the leadership team a week or so ago.
- It was a very useful meeting where we shared our views and visions for the future, especially the options for community buildings and spaces we expect to see developed on the Barracks site.
- The Leadership team made clear they would welcome the opportunity to become actively engaged in running/operating community facilities. For our part, we are keen to engage with local partners to demonstrate to developers the strength of local commitment to see something truly special created in the heart of our area.
- We intend to build on this initial meeting as we now start to think how best to oversee and implement our Plan once it is formally adopted.
2. Strategic Masterplan meeting
- A couple of us had an initial meeting with Arup early last week. Arup are the consultants appointed by Notts County Council to undertake a couple pieces of work contributing to the overall masterplan for the area.
- This first piece of work is focused on the HS2 Hub Station and the links to it from our Area. We were pleased to host them at our office in Oban House where we showed them a couple of maps detailing our thoughts for the green infrastructure corridors (including footpaths and cycle lanes) as well our ideas for road links and the tram route down to the Hub Station and Innovation Campus.
- We spent a good couple of hours with them and agreed to send then copies of the maps detailing our proposals so they can consider at length and discuss with other stakeholders.
- Again, we look forward to building on this initial meeting and work with them again on this piece in the overall ‘jigsaw’ as well as other elements that are needed to bring together the overall masterplan.
3. Steering Group sign-off.
- As mentioned last time, the Steering Group met last week to formally review and sign-off the Plan. There are one or two last-minute adjustments but nothing more that switching a couple of photos here and there and amending slightly the text on the front cover.
- We then spent time discussing:
- the shape and style of a summary leaflet we’ll be producing to help publicise the Plan – one will hit your doormat over the next few weeks
- the timeframe for our consultation phase – which we have now agreed will run from mid-July to the end of September. The slight delay to the start of the consultation is to ensure we get both the full Plan (a few hard copies for libraries etc) and summary leaflet produced and printed in good time for the launch date.
- An electronic copy of the Plan will be ready in a couple of weeks and will be published here first for you have a look prior to the formal launch of consultation.
4. And finally…
- HS2 consultation report. HS2 have published a report detailing their findings from the consultation sessions held last autumn. As reported previously we are due to meet with them shortly to discuss the feedback from our area. A quick scan of the report is encouraging: a quote from the Forum suggesting the Station is moved northwards towards Stapleford is included in the report. If you are interested in reading the report as it affects our Area – here is a link to an extract containing – after the contents and introduction chapter – our section (LA05: Ratcliffe to Long Eaton) and the next one (LA06: Stapleford northwards). A link to the full report and further information can be found on this HS2 website
- Local Plan Modifications feedback. The Steering Group discussed our approach to providing our feedback to this latest Council consultation of the Local Plan. We agreed to draft our response to the proposed modifications by the end of June. We will then publish our draft here for you to review and provide comments – and host a meeting if there is enough interest – before submitting our response back to the council by the July 9th deadline. So time is tight – watch this space.
And that’s it for this week folks. More next time.
Kind regards
Broxtowe Lotto: tickets available from our CTTC Forum page where you’ll find details of the scheme.