I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe it is now June and the start of summer. Regular summer events are now in full swing, whether it’s the Attenborough/Beeston/Chilwell Art Trail this week or the Beeston/Chilwell Garden Trail next week. But this year, there is something extra special to note in your diary, so let’s start with that…
- Chilwell Explosion centenary events – coming up fast!
- A series of events have been organised by St Mary’s Church, Attenborough starting on Weds 20th June and culminating in a special commemoration service on Sun 1st July which will include a two-minute silence at 7.10pm – the time of the explosion
- This link takes you to St Mary’s events page where you can find full details of the various activities and exhibitions. Tickets are needed for some of the events including those based on the Barracks itself. Full details are at the bottom of the events page
- I’m especially looking forward to the opening event on Weds 20th – a talk about the explosion by Prof John Beckett. And the highly regarded play ‘Swan Canaries’ is being performed on the Barracks on Fri 29th
- All events are worth supporting and St Mary’s have done a great job in putting this program together. Book your tickets early!
- GDPR – this week’s boring (albeit important) bit
- Like me you’ve no doubt received an overload of emails over the last few weeks about the new Data Protection regulations. The Comms sub-group have discussed this topic over the last few weeks deciding how best to address this matter – and whether it evens applies to us.
- In the end we decided to ‘use an abundance of caution’ (a phrase pinched from another organisation uncertain of applicability) and produced the statement below.
Privacy Statement:
Chetwynd: The Toton & Chilwell Neighbourhood Forum (“CTTC Forum”) regard looking after your personal data as very important.
We know many organisations have contacted you about changes in data protection regulations that came into force on 25 May 2018. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is designed to give you more control over how your data is used.
To read our privacy policy, please visit our website at https://cttcnf.org.uk/privacy-policy
We believe our subscribers find receiving information about the development of the Neighbourhood Plan helpful and relevant, so we hope you will continue to stay with us.
Do you want to continue to receive information from us by email?
“YES”. You need do nothing and we’ll continue to send you information as current. Remember, you’re free to change your mind at any time by using the unsubscribe option at the bottom of all emails.
“NO”. You can unsubscribe from all future emails by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this and all emails we send out. Please note:
1. it may take a few days to fully implement changes in preferences across all the email systems:
2. this will not affect your access to our Facebook or Twitter sites which you can unfollow independently
Many thanks to one of our members, Andy (which isn’t her real name, …or is it!) for taking the time to research this matter for us and producing the privacy policy and this statement.
- Forum finances
- The Steering Group had a productive meeting last week to review funding following our unsuccessful application to Notts County Council. That application was intended to cover our core costs, such as our office, so we needed to rethink and devise a new plan.
- As you know, we recently applied to Locality, who funded us last year. Today, we have also applied to BIG Lottery’s Awards for All programme for almost £10,000. We should hear from Locality next week and in a couple of months from BIG Lottery. Both of these applications focus on further consultation exercises so expect to hear more in due course.
- We’ll continue to look for further funding opportunities to provide resilience. We need to focus on the production of our Plan without getting overly distracted about the outcome of any particular grant application.
- Meeting with Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) next Friday
- The meeting’s prime purpose is to discuss the DIO’s traffic management plans to cover the new homes coming to Chetwynd Barracks. As you know, the DIO’s current thinking is to create a new access road from the Barracks to Stapleford Lane, joining it almost opposite Woodstock Road. This is not something we support: we need to alleviate pressure on Stapleford Lane, not add to it!
- We’ll also chase them for a date for a site visit for our Heritage Assessment consultants. It’s time this work was completed
- And finally….
- …. I don’t think I have any “and finally’s” this time so I’ll….
…. leave it there for this week. See you next time
Kind regards
How does the information from Anna Soubry that the DIO will not sell Chetwynd Barracks before 2021 affect the plans?