Hello again,
We’re now into last two weeks of the biggest and most important consultation we’ve undertaken. Responses are being received; we now have over 25 logged. However, we are hoping for a lot more. These weekly updates are sent out to 800 email addresses and almost 50% are regularly opened each week. So, we know there is a lot of interest in our activities and support for our work. If a quarter of regular readers decide to take part in the consultation and provide us with feedback, it will mean over 100 responses. A 3-figure number will be terrific; it will clearly demonstrate to all interested parties (the council, landowners and developers) that our Plan has the strong backing of residents and friends of the Forum.
Please take the time to get involved. Don’t leave it to others.
1. It’s easy to provide feedback:
- We have simplified the MS Word response form to make it easier to complete. The form mirrors the on-line layout i.e. a series of initial tick boxes followed by some free-form comment boxes
- Here’s a link to the on-line form you can use to capture your views. You can also find a link to the Plan on the same page.
- Here’s a link to the MS Word form if you prefer to download the document to complete in your own time. Return the form via email or else copy/paste your comments into the online form.
2. Remaining session dates:
- Sat Sept 14th 10-12.30 at Attenborough Scout Hall, Attenborough Lane (opposite Haveli Indian restaurant). This is a new location for us and is on the edge of our Area. However, we know there is a lot of interest in the development of the Barracks from the rest of Chilwell, Attenborough and Beeston, so we want to encourage neighbouring residents come along to give us their views.
- Fri Sept 20th 10-12.30 at Toton Tesco, Swiney Way. This is a change from the published venue of the Methodist Church on Stapleford Lane. Attendances at our 1st few sessions have been disappointing (between 10 and 20 each time), so we have decided to make this change. Rather than expect residents to come to us, we thought it better if we go to them. And where better to meet people than at Tesco’s on a Friday morning!
3. And finally…
- I wasn’t going to run with any snippets this week but there is one correction I need to make from last week. You’ll recall I mentioned the latest Peveril application – part of the Lime Rise proposal at Toton Lane – that is currently out for consultation. I said the Forum was ‘comfortable’ with the application as we don’t believe it will be taken forward ‘in anger’. This gives the impression that we won’t be submitting a response to the consultation.
- However, that was not my intention – the Forum will always take part in consultations delivering major developments in our Area and this is no different. This particular application contains serious flaws and we will respond accordingly.
- The SG will be signing off our response over the weekend and it will be submitted early this week. I’ll provide a link to the document next week so you can have a look.
And that’s all for now folks. But expect a further reminder during the week. We are determined to do all we can to get over 100 response so please bear with us if it feels you are being badgered.
You’ve provided great support to us in the past. We trust you will rise to this occasion as well.
Kind regards
Broxtowe Lotto: tickets available from our CTTC Forum page where you’ll find details of the scheme.