Broxtowe Cabinet Discussion of the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan

Following on from last week’s post letting you know that the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan (GNSP) was to be discussed at the Broxtowe Borough Council’s Cabinet meeting last Tuesday (1st October), please see the video link below to that part of the meeting, in case you missed it. The discussion concludes at around 1 hour and 20 minutes (see the timer at the bottom of the screen). It starts at about 29 minutes into the meeting, which is where this clip begins:-

Cabinet Meeting 01/10/2024 (click on the image above to play the video)

The key points to take from the meeting are:-

1) Cabinet approved unanimously that the GNSP should commence its Regulation 19 (Pre-Submission) consultation. Rushcliffe Borough Council had previously given its consent, and similar approval is awaited later this month from Nottingham City Council & Gedling Borough Council. Assuming all agree, then the statutory 6 week consultation period will in all likelihood start in November (date tbc), and this will be widely publicised;

2) The Leader of the Council (Milan Radulovic) will do his best to object to “piecemeal” applications for the Toton & Chetwynd site, as it needs to be a holistic development to ensure all the community facilities, infrastructure etc. are built in the appropriate locations;

3) A suggestion was made that the Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) figure should be increased from the minimum statutory 10% as some other parts of the country are requiring 20% or 30%, i.e. Broxtowe should aim to be more ambitious.

4) It was reiterated by Milan that the green belt land between Toton & Chilwell is under pressure – hence his desire for a “Country Park” to ensure that it is not all built on, and there is sufficient and linked green infrastructure for the area as a whole.

We are still keen to receive your views so that we have a wide range of opinions on which to base the Forum’s response to the forthcoming consultation.

Please provide your comments via the Contact Us page, and we’ll continue to collate them into the current anonymised list available via the link on the website Q&A page.

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