As mentioned last week you should now have received your polling cards for the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum. We are planning to deliver a Forum leaflet with some additional information to the 6,500 homes within the Forum Area, and we need YOUR HELP to be able to do so before 2nd May!
If you can spare a few hours to help the Steering Group, we would be grateful if you could volunteer your time. Here is the list of ‘walks’ – the blacked-out ones are those that have been allocated already. As you can see the main gaps are for Inham Nook & Chilwell Meadows, with a few gaps elsewhere as well (18 in total). If you can help us with any of these it will be much appreciated, and if you can do more than one, that would be fantastic!
The leaflets should be back from the printers by the end of next week, which just leaves next weekend (hopefully), w/c 22nd and the beginning of w/c 29th to get them all delivered.
Please email with which ‘walks’ you would be able to do (as soon as you can), and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can next week with further details.
Thank you in anticipation, the Forum Steering Group.
Here is a sneak preview of the Referendum leaflet!
As always please do feel free to ask any questions you may have on this week’s latest bulletin or anything else via the Contact Us page, and we’ll do our best to answer them via the Questions and Answers page.