Doubt about Ratcliffe on Soar

Whilst the power station is outside our area, uncertainty will continue to cause problems.

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EMDevCo Update

The East Midlands Combined County Authority (EMCCA) i.e. the new Mayoral Authority for Derby, Nottingham, Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire has issued a Press Release about the East Midlands Development Company (EMDevCo).

In summary, EMDevCo has been wound up with its projects passing to the EMCCA. This comes as no great surprise, as with the formation of the new Mayoral Authority in May this year there was no room for two bodies acting strategically for the region. How the original EMDevCo projects proceed, including for Toton & Chetwynd of course, remains to be seen. We hope to find out more in the coming weeks.

Beeston & District Civic Society Talk – Reminder

Members of the Forum Steering Group will be delivering a presentation and Q&A session to the Civic Society this coming Wednesday (13th November) at the Royal British Legion in Beeston entitled Visions for Toton & Chetwynd. Doors open at 6.45pm see here & here for details.

As always please do feel free to ask any questions you may have on this week’s latest bulletin or anything else via the Contact Us page, and we’ll do our best to answer them via the Questions and Answers page.

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Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan Consultation Opens 4th November

Further to our recent posts on 29th September & 5th October, Broxtowe Borough Council (along with Gedling and Rushcliffe Borough Councils and Nottingham City Council) will be publishing the Regulation 19 (Publication draft) of the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan (the review of the current Aligned Core Strategy i.e. the Part 1 Local Plan) for consultation. This Strategic Development Plan will set out future development proposals over the next 18 years.

The Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan (GNSP) sets out how Broxtowe Borough Council and the other Councils intend to address issues such as the number and location of new homes required for a growing population, providing new jobs and infrastructure, tackling climate change, and protecting and enhancing the area’s heritage, open spaces and biodiversity, in a way that minimises the impact on the environment.  The GNSP has been approved by each partner Council, following consultation on earlier ‘Growth Options’ and ‘Preferred Approach’ documents. Most of the proposals included in the GNSP have been carried forward from the Aligned Core Strategy, although the GNSP allocates new development sites in Broxtowe Borough:

  • Extensions to existing proposed development sites at Toton and Chetwynd Barracks, principally for housing (as we reported to you on 29th September as above);
  • Land at the Former Bennerley Coal Disposal point, for large scale logistics development.

In Gedling Borough, it includes an extension to the existing proposed development site at Top Wighay Farm, for housing. In Nottingham City, it includes a new allocation covering the former Broadmarsh shopping centre, Maid Marian Way College and land to the east of Carrington Street, for a mix of uses including housing, commercial and offices. In Rushcliffe Borough, it includes a new allocation at the former Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station, for a mix of uses including energy generation and storage, advanced manufacturing and industrial, offices and large-scale logistics.

Before the GNSP is submitted to the Government for independent examination, there is a 6-week consultation period during which there is an opportunity for residents, businesses and other organisations, such as Town and Parish Councils and Neighbourhood Forums, to make comments on the soundness and legal compliance of the Plan, in line with Government guidance. The consultation will run from Monday 4th November 2024 until 5.00pm on Monday 16th December 2024.

The GNSP and supporting documents, along with details of how to submit representations can be found on the website of the Greater Nottingham Planning Partnership. See in particular:-  

  • Policy 4 The Green Belt
  • Policy 15 Transport Infrastructure Priorities
  • Policy 16 Blue & Green Infrastructure, Parks & Open Space
  • Policy 17 Biodiversity
  • Policy 21 Strategic Allocation Toton & Chetwynd Barracks
  • Appendix C Housing Trajectories
    However, these shouldn’t just be read in isolation. A summary of the GNSP is provided here.
    There are also a number of other consultation documents listed on the main website link above, together with background papers covering a range of topics including Green Belt, and wide ranging supporting evidence including Green Belt Review Methodology (plus its separate appendices).

    Copies and response forms will also be available at the Council Offices (Foster Avenue, Beeston) and at the following local libraries:
  • Beeston Library, Foster Avenue, Beeston, NG9 1AE
  • Inham Nook Library, Barn Croft, Chilwell, NG9 4HU
  • Toton Library, Stapleford Lane, Toton, NG9 6GA
    Further information is available from Broxtowe Borough Council’s Planning Policy Team by emailing or by telephoning 0115 917 7777 (ask for Planning Policy).

There is clearly a lot to take in, best tackled in bite size chunks! Please do make your own individual representations, but we are still keen to receive your views so that we have a wide range of opinions on which to base the Forum’s response to the consultation.

Please provide your comments via the Contact Us page, and we’ll continue to collate them into the current anonymised list available via the link on the website Q&A page.

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Beeston & District Civic Society Winter Talks

This is to let you know about the Beeston & District Civic Society Winter Talks programme which is already underway. Click on the image below for more information:-

You will notice that members of the Forum Steering Group will be presenting to the Society on Wednesday 13th November and we will remind you again nearer the time.

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Chetwynd Community Energy Project

Last week we told you about the Funding to develop a Business Case for a Community Energy Project and invited you to register for Building a Net Zero Future: Co-Designing Sustainable Neighbourhoods at the Village Hotel on Monday 21st October.

To explain further:The Neighbourhood Plan adopted by Broxtowe Borough Council earlier this year includes a Policy for Community Energy with an aspiration for the area to be Energy Positive. We believe we can start this through a “Rooftop Solar PV project”. The UK Government estimates that the average household in the UK consumes around 3,000kWh of electricity per annum. Modelling households in the area suggests that the average amount of power that could be generated by Solar PV is around 6,000kWh. In other words if half the homes in the area had solar PV, the area would generate as much electricity as it consumes.

The Funding is to generate a Business Case that:

  1. Verifies these numbers;
  2. Identifies how much it would cost on a house by house basis;
  3. Identifies how much it would earn on a house by house basis;
  4. Identifies how we can generate the funds to take on such an ambitious project

We need your help to develop the Business Case.
Register your interest in attending the Workshop or if you can’t make it but would be interested in contributing/following what happens contact

Chetwynd Community Interest Company

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The Chetwynd Forum’s CIC is Awarded Funding to prepare for Local Community Solar Energy Network.

Chetwynd ,Toton and Chilwell CIC.( Chetwynd CIC Ltd )

The Community Interest Company (CIC) started by the Chetwynd Neighbourhood Forum, has been awarded a regional grant to prepare the business case and define technical research for a Community Solar Energy Network which will be owned and run locally for the benefit of the community. 

The award prepares the ‘startup phase’ for a business that aims to benefit our area first, but in time could help other East Midlands communities to take a step forward as part of a Solar Energy Community and Net Zero future.

Ian Ward Director of the Chetwynd CIC said, ‘the Neighbourhood Plan sets out our Zero Carbon ambitions and it’s a little ironic, that in the month the UK’s last coal fired power station at Ratcliffe-on-Soar closes for good – it’s the community in its shadow that begins the journey to make the most of emerging Solar networks for the benefit of the local community.’

The area already benefits from initiatives taken by individual homeowners however, we know many more new homes will soon be built, and we are determined to reduce the Area’s carbon footprint and devise a business that benefits the community. Whilst reducing the costs of energy for residents, we see this as an investment for future generations.  Ian said, ‘It’s a chance to do it ourselves and create somethings special in our area. That makes us determined to be successful’.

Can You help – We are all local volunteers and we are looking for help in several professional fields – Financial / Legal / Technical to help establish the business. Please get in touch.  A ‘Building a Net Zero Future’ workshop is being held at the Village Hotel on the 21st Oct 2024 – if you are interested to attend and to find out more, please book your place here : Net Zero Workshop

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Broxtowe Cabinet Discussion of the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan

Following on from last week’s post letting you know that the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan (GNSP) was to be discussed at the Broxtowe Borough Council’s Cabinet meeting last Tuesday (1st October), please see the video link below to that part of the meeting, in case you missed it. The discussion concludes at around 1 hour and 20 minutes (see the timer at the bottom of the screen). It starts at about 29 minutes into the meeting, which is where this clip begins:-

Cabinet Meeting 01/10/2024 (click on the image above to play the video)

The key points to take from the meeting are:-

1) Cabinet approved unanimously that the GNSP should commence its Regulation 19 (Pre-Submission) consultation. Rushcliffe Borough Council had previously given its consent, and similar approval is awaited later this month from Nottingham City Council & Gedling Borough Council. Assuming all agree, then the statutory 6 week consultation period will in all likelihood start in November (date tbc), and this will be widely publicised;

2) The Leader of the Council (Milan Radulovic) will do his best to object to “piecemeal” applications for the Toton & Chetwynd site, as it needs to be a holistic development to ensure all the community facilities, infrastructure etc. are built in the appropriate locations;

3) A suggestion was made that the Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) figure should be increased from the minimum statutory 10% as some other parts of the country are requiring 20% or 30%, i.e. Broxtowe should aim to be more ambitious.

4) It was reiterated by Milan that the green belt land between Toton & Chilwell is under pressure – hence his desire for a “Country Park” to ensure that it is not all built on, and there is sufficient and linked green infrastructure for the area as a whole.

We are still keen to receive your views so that we have a wide range of opinions on which to base the Forum’s response to the forthcoming consultation.

Please provide your comments via the Contact Us page, and we’ll continue to collate them into the current anonymised list available via the link on the website Q&A page.

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Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan & Toton Northeast Proposals

Following on from last week’s post, we have collated the responses received so far and will review them all in due course – they are available to view via the link on the website Q&A page. All comments have been anonymised and are unedited (apart from the odd typo) – do please keep them coming. We will also share them with Milan ahead of our next meeting with him.

We have since been provided with some further information by Broxtowe Borough Council:-

Firstly, The Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan (GNSP)

The Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan is to be considered at the 1st October 2024 meeting of Broxtowe Borough Council’s Cabinet. Authorisation will be sought to commence the Regulation 19 (Pre-Submission) consultation of the GNSP. The agenda and other documents are on the Council’s website here – agenda Item 6.1.

We understand that it is anticipated that the Regulation 19 consultation will commence in November, but the exact date is to be confirmed. We will let you know when we know when that will be.

The GNSP proposes that a 20 hectare area of land to the north-east of the existing Toton site should be removed from the Green Belt and allocated for housing to part fund and provide land for a new road, linking the A52 with Chetwynd Barracks – see Policy 21 ‘Strategic Allocation Toton and Chetwynd Barracks (Broxtowe)’. The diagram below illustrates the extent of this land (shown by ‘hatching’):-

This means that the Chetwynd Barracks and Toton (Strategic Location for Growth) sites have been merged into one ‘combined’ site, and there is now a single policy (Policy 21) within the GNSP which sets the requirements for all parts of this combined site. The draft document proposed for consultation can be viewed here. Figure 21.1 below is from the GNSP showing the character areas:-

N.B. “Toton West” i.e. land to the west of the train line is outside the Forum Area.

Once the GNSP has been adopted (as the Part 1 Local Plan), Policies 3.1 and 3.2 of the Part 2 Local Plan (covering Chetwynd Barracks and the Toton SLG) will be revoked (see Appendix D of the GNSP). At that point, the Development Plan policies for Toton and Chetwynd Barracks would be contained within Policy 21 of the GNSP and the policies of the Neighbourhood Plan. We believe this to be favourable for the Forum Area (what do you think?). The Toton and Chetwynd Barracks Strategic Masterplan SPD is referenced within Policy 21 and will continue to be a material consideration when determining any planning applications for the whole site, but sitting below the Development Plan in the overall hierarchy as now (see this hierarchy diagram we produced last year to explain the relationships as they were then).

The capacity of the area covered by Policy 21 has increased to 4,800 homes from the previous 4,500, with 2,700 to be delivered by 2041 i.e. the numbers have increased, but over a longer timeframe. Although the current Part 2 Local Plan (P2LP) required 1300 homes by 2028, it didn’t say over how long the remaining 3,200 would be delivered by after that date. So rather than potentially 4,500 homes referred to in the P2LP and our Neighbourhood Plan by 2040, there will now be 2,700 by 2041, with the remainder (2,100) delivered by an as yet unspecified date. See Appendix C of the GNSP for Housing Trajectories.

Secondly, Toton Northeast

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Report has been prepared by Pegasus Group, on behalf of Bloor Homes Ltd and Peveril Securities Ltd, in respect of land south of the A52. Their EIA Scoping Report seeks to agree the content of an Environmental Statement to support an outline planning application for a ‘residential development of up to 700 homes, link road (means of access only), local centre, country park, education provision (forest school) and associated infrastructure’. The Scoping Report is available on the Council’s website here.

Confusingly this document is entitled Toton North, but actually refers to land within Toton Northeast as per the GNSP descriptor, and beyond!

Appendix A – Site Location Plan illustrates the land which the request applies to – note that this differs from the land the Borough Council is proposing to remove from the Green Belt in the GNSP above. However, it is more or less as we envisaged following our discussion with Milan, although it doesn’t extend into Stapleford across the A52.

Appendix B – Illustrative Masterplan shows what is potentially proposed for Toton Northeast. Confusingly it also shows the previous proposal for Toton East which is unchanged despite the Forum’s comments made back in March to that particular limited “consultation”!

We think that Pegasus are probably treating the two sites as separate projects, but that they are attempting to illustrate on this masterplan where the link road would pass through the sites. To our knowledge the Council haven’t received a planning application for either of the sites as yet.

The EIA Scoping Report has been submitted to the Council for a Scoping Opinion under Regulation 15 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (as amended) – case reference number 24/00617/EIA. At this stage we are uncertain as to the timeframe for this, but will attempt to provide a Forum view if we are allowed to do so.

What are your thoughts on all of this now?

Please provide your comments via the Contact Us page, and we’ll continue to collate them into the current anonymised list.

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Discussions with Broxtowe Borough Council Leader

Representatives of the Forum Steering Group & Chetwynd CIC met on 12th September with Milan Radulovic (Leader, Broxtowe Borough Council), taking him up on the offer he made at the end of the Council meeting where the Neighbourhood Plan was adopted to meet with the Forum.

We realise that what follows below is something new to bring you, and despite the limited information available at this stage, we need your comments in order to be able to properly represent the local community.

Milan asked if the Forum would be willing to work collaboratively with him in relation to possible major developments in the Forum Area, and on anything else where there is a joint/mutual interest affecting the Forum. We of course said Yes!

Milan explained that he had “robustly challenged” potential developers to provide funding for a “link road” from the A52 to Chetwynd Barracks and the Toton Strategic Location for Growth. He also stated that, whilst Broxtowe had sufficient land allocated for housing to meet its housing requirements under the new government’s housing figures, there was little “headroom” should developers delay construction of the housing within the present allocation and that further allocations might be needed.

Milan stated that the developers response, to the request for the Link Road, was that this would require an additional development of around 900 homes in the Area. The only possible location for these additional homes being the Green Belt land north of the Tram and across either side of the A52.

Milan set out his vision for a new ‘country park’/public open green space as part of this development proposal for the land north of the tram line through our Area and onwards to Bramcote & into Stapleford – basically covering the Wheatgrass Farm land northwards either side of Baulk Lane and across the A52.

Although we of course know the area concerned, we have requested a map/diagram showing the boundaries of the land involved, including where he believes the link road could be routed from the Chetwynd Barracks northern boundary to the A52.

This land is presently Green Belt, but Milan suggested that it was an obvious area for “infill” at some point in the future and that his proposals would protect the “Country Park” (an area of around 60Ha) in perpetuity.

This environmental gain could be funded from the developer’s Biodiversity Net Gain contribution. In addition, infrastructure & facilities (e.g. Medical, Leisure, Community Centre, Schools etc. as per the Neighbourhood Plan), plus the link road that is also key, to support these new homes would be funded from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)/Section 106 monies.

We informed Milan that the Chetwynd CIC would be willing to provide long-term stewardship of green spaces, and CIL/Section 106 monies could be used to fund this.

The new ‘Country Park’ would provide a link to Attenborough Nature Reserve and be part of the ‘Attenborough Great Park’ concept.

The issue is further complicated by the fact that, at the end of August, Conditional Approval was granted for a Battery Energy Storage System on part of this area (see our previous posts on this here), so how that would fit in with the vision of the overall development remains to be determined. In any event, we have asked Milan for clarification on this aspect.

Milan pointed out that development on the Barracks and the Toton Strategic Location for Growth sites was outside of Broxtowe Borough Council’s control i.e. dependent on the landowners, principally the MoD & Nottinghamshire County Council. Which as we all know, is leading to uncertainty, rumour and speculation. Whereas working with the current landowner for the area north of the tram line (as above) could provide much needed new homes sooner, together with the additional benefits Milan outlined to us.

A number of other things were discussed, including the potential extension of the tram to Long Eaton, and possibly onwards to Derby, with a potential train/tram/transport hub where HS2 would have been located. Whether the extension would also extend to EM Airport (in a similar way that the Manchester Metro does to Manchester Airport) remains to be seen.

The Forum and Chetwynd CIC look forward to continued collaboration with Broxtowe Borough Council, and we await further news and the next invitation to discuss the proposals in more detail, hopefully at an early stage before they are put forward for formal public consultation so that we can help shape them in line with the Neighbourhood Plan. In our view it is better to be involved at the outset and in a position to influence proposals, than having to respond after they have been put forward and attempt to rectify issues retrospectively. After all, the Neighbourhood Plan is ‘made’ and its policies will influence this proposed development when it comes forward.

So what do you think?

Please provide your comments via the Contact Us page, and we’ll collate them into an anonymised list and share them with you.

Posted in Chetwynd Barracks, Consultation, Green Belt, Neighbourhood Plan, Newsflash, Steering Group, Toton Lane East, Toton Lane West | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Neighbourhood Forum Future Strategy

Following the adoption of the Neighbourhood Plan in May, the Steering Group have taken the opportunity by and large for some time away from Forum matters to recharge their batteries. As you will have seen from recent posts, things are hotting up again with a couple of consultations and speculation surrounding Chetwynd Barracks.

Back in July we did take some time out to discuss and put forward the future strategy for the Forum. It is now time to share this with you, and to gather your thoughts and comments before finalising it. We have broken the strategy down into Short-, Medium- and Long-term objectives/tasks, bearing in mind the current Neighbourhood Plan covers the period from now up until 2040! (As a reminder the relevant documents are available here.)

It should be seen as a guide to progressing the Forum’s leadership and strategy post adoption of the Neighbourhood Plan, with the aim of achieving the Plan’s objectives and aspirations, both now and into the future.

Timeline Definition

  • Short Term (ST) – From now up to holding a General Meeting (GM) for the membership in the autumn
  • Medium Term (MT) – From the GM until ‘Revision of Plan’ following a new Local Plan (approx. 2028)
  • Long Term (LT) – Post Revision of Plan – Moving forward

    Proposed Forum Leadership Structure – (Short / Medium Term)
  • A smaller ‘core’ group of elected volunteers to serve as The Monitoring Group (currently Steering Group).  Once elected these volunteers will appoint officers as required (Heavy Lifting).
  • Elected and unelected group of volunteers to act as a wider ‘associate group’ and providing ‘expert support’ as and when required. This group could attract and recruit a more diverse profile of volunteer.

    Monitor the Plan’s implementation against policies, objectives and aspirations.
    Review and revise the Plan when required.

    Tactical steps
  • Develop strong links with Broxtowe Borough Council (BBC) and other appropriate planning teams/groups. (ST)
  • Develop a wide stakeholder engagement and contact plan. (ST)
  • Explore all funding options for the ‘restatement of Plan’ project. (MT)
  • Explore taking Design Codes forward with BBC. (ST/MT)
  • Exploit CIC and Forum representation at all meetings with stakeholders. (ST/MT)
  • Plan and exploit Forum website with ‘Plan news’ and updates to all stakeholders. (ST/MT)
  • Investigate Community Right To Buy options & process. (MT/LT)
  • CIC to assume website. (LT)

    Short-term tasks to enable the Plan
  • Review/revise Forum constitution
  • Define the roles and responsibilities of new officer positions
  • Contact BBC Development Management team  
  • Sign off Memorandum of Understanding between Forum / CIC
  • Begin the commentary of elements of the Plan requiring future updates
  • Formalise CIC request for Board objectives to report to the Forum
  • Current budget and future funding finances to be defined for the GM
    N.B. CIC is the Chetwynd Community Interest Company

We would also like to propose an honorary position as Forum President for Norman Lewis MBE in recognition of his exceptional contribution to conservation within the Forum Area and further afield. We will propose this formally for acceptance at the autumn general meeting. Norman has been a member of the Forum Steering Group from the start in 2016, and his wisdom coupled with his wealth & breadth of knowledge has been second to none.

It should come as no surprise that after the best part of 8 years a number of the current Steering Group intend to step down, and others wish to do so in the near future. Therefore to ensure the continued success and longevity of the Forum, we require new volunteers to step forward now. This will allow a period of shadowing existing SG roles and a successful handover to the next generation to continue the ‘project’ to its successful conclusion for the benefit of the community the Forum represents.

Please do provide your thoughts and comments on the Strategy as outlined above (it is for all our futures) via the Contact Us page or email us at, and If you would like to discuss informally how to help us move forward (without fully committing yourself), then please do use the same means to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.

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