Neighbourhood Forum Future Strategy

Following the adoption of the Neighbourhood Plan in May, the Steering Group have taken the opportunity by and large for some time away from Forum matters to recharge their batteries. As you will have seen from recent posts, things are hotting up again with a couple of consultations and speculation surrounding Chetwynd Barracks.

Back in July we did take some time out to discuss and put forward the future strategy for the Forum. It is now time to share this with you, and to gather your thoughts and comments before finalising it. We have broken the strategy down into Short-, Medium- and Long-term objectives/tasks, bearing in mind the current Neighbourhood Plan covers the period from now up until 2040! (As a reminder the relevant documents are available here.)

It should be seen as a guide to progressing the Forum’s leadership and strategy post adoption of the Neighbourhood Plan, with the aim of achieving the Plan’s objectives and aspirations, both now and into the future.

Timeline Definition

  • Short Term (ST) – From now up to holding a General Meeting (GM) for the membership in the autumn
  • Medium Term (MT) – From the GM until ‘Revision of Plan’ following a new Local Plan (approx. 2028)
  • Long Term (LT) – Post Revision of Plan – Moving forward

    Proposed Forum Leadership Structure – (Short / Medium Term)
  • A smaller ‘core’ group of elected volunteers to serve as The Monitoring Group (currently Steering Group).  Once elected these volunteers will appoint officers as required (Heavy Lifting).
  • Elected and unelected group of volunteers to act as a wider ‘associate group’ and providing ‘expert support’ as and when required. This group could attract and recruit a more diverse profile of volunteer.

    Monitor the Plan’s implementation against policies, objectives and aspirations.
    Review and revise the Plan when required.

    Tactical steps
  • Develop strong links with Broxtowe Borough Council (BBC) and other appropriate planning teams/groups. (ST)
  • Develop a wide stakeholder engagement and contact plan. (ST)
  • Explore all funding options for the ‘restatement of Plan’ project. (MT)
  • Explore taking Design Codes forward with BBC. (ST/MT)
  • Exploit CIC and Forum representation at all meetings with stakeholders. (ST/MT)
  • Plan and exploit Forum website with ‘Plan news’ and updates to all stakeholders. (ST/MT)
  • Investigate Community Right To Buy options & process. (MT/LT)
  • CIC to assume website. (LT)

    Short-term tasks to enable the Plan
  • Review/revise Forum constitution
  • Define the roles and responsibilities of new officer positions
  • Contact BBC Development Management team  
  • Sign off Memorandum of Understanding between Forum / CIC
  • Begin the commentary of elements of the Plan requiring future updates
  • Formalise CIC request for Board objectives to report to the Forum
  • Current budget and future funding finances to be defined for the GM
    N.B. CIC is the Chetwynd Community Interest Company

We would also like to propose an honorary position as Forum President for Norman Lewis MBE in recognition of his exceptional contribution to conservation within the Forum Area and further afield. We will propose this formally for acceptance at the autumn general meeting. Norman has been a member of the Forum Steering Group from the start in 2016, and his wisdom coupled with his wealth & breadth of knowledge has been second to none.

It should come as no surprise that after the best part of 8 years a number of the current Steering Group intend to step down, and others wish to do so in the near future. Therefore to ensure the continued success and longevity of the Forum, we require new volunteers to step forward now. This will allow a period of shadowing existing SG roles and a successful handover to the next generation to continue the ‘project’ to its successful conclusion for the benefit of the community the Forum represents.

Please do provide your thoughts and comments on the Strategy as outlined above (it is for all our futures) via the Contact Us page or email us at, and If you would like to discuss informally how to help us move forward (without fully committing yourself), then please do use the same means to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.

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