The consultation on your Neighbourhood Plan closes this coming Friday 5th August. If you haven’t already done so, please respond in support of it. It has taken six long years and a lot of hard work by everyone, especially the Forum Steering Group (past & present), to get the Plan to this final consultation stage. It will then go before an Independent Examiner who will review all the documents and consultation responses before making their recommendation and before it can be put to all residents within the Forum Area (the two borough wards of Chilwell West and Toton & Chilwell Meadows) at a local referendum. Assuming it passes both these stages succesfully, the Neighbourhood Plan will be adopted by Broxtowe Borough Council, and then carry as much weight as the Local Plan for planning decions within our Area.
This consultation is your opportunity to show your support for the Plan. Submissions can be made online or via downloadable forms. We encourage as many of our members and friends as possible to respond in support of the Neighbourhood Plan, as it provides the framework, policies, aspirations and guidelines that will shape the future of Toton and Chilwell for years to come (up to 2040!).
Further details and how to respond can be found on our Plan Page and via the Broxtowe website. Thank you in anticipation of a good response.