Hello again,
A much shorter edition (and fewer typos, hopefully!) this week with the main message being the same as last time – the Strategic Masterplan. We’ve already received some good feedback with a key concern being board 8 and the proposals for new roads. I’d like to think this may have been down to the hint I provided in last week’s edition, but in fact the correspondence was triggered by our newsletter that has been pushed through letter boxes over the last couple of weeks.
1. Accessing the Strategic Masterplan consultation
- Here’s another link to the Strategic Masterplan page on our website – to save you time searching for it. Here you will find:
- A link to the online consultation – the virtual consultation room. You then use the navigation buttons (at the bottom of the screen) to examine each board in turn. There is a ‘?’ button at the bottom that contains Frequently Asked Questions
- Individual links to each board so you don’t need to enter the room every time
- There is a link to a pdf file that contains all the boards so you can download the consultation and view offline it at your leisure.
- Feedback has to be provided online – using the ‘Submit Feedback Online’ icon on the table to the left of the room.
- However, have produced a MS Word file containing the questions asked at boards 4-9 so you can compose your responses offline and then copy/paste them into the online form when you are ready to submit. Here’s a link to the feedback form which can be downloaded. (And many thanks to Digest reader David R for transcribing the form for us.)
- You know from last week’s edition that the Strategic Masterplan is a hugely significant document. It sets the framework for future development over the next 20 years. Which is why we continue to highlight its importance to you and every resident in our Area. Please take the time to look at the boards and consider the impact of these proposals. It runs to November 22 so there is plenty of time – but why delay? Many thanks.
2. And finally….
- Our newsletter is still being delivered so if you haven’t yet received a copy through your door yet, you will soon. If you can’t wait, here is another link to it. More and more people are ‘liking’ our Facebook page so if you are reading this edition via Facebook, then… it’s good to have you with us! We hope you enjoy these updates of our activities.
- The Steering Group is meeting next Thursday, and we are looking forward to welcoming the leader of Broxtowe Borough Council, Cllr Milan Radulovic MBE, who has kindly agreed to join us. We hope to hear more about the Council’s view of the Strategic Masterplan as well as finding out the current status of the emerging Development Corporation. It is the Dev Corp (when formed) which will likely play a pivotal role in overseeing the deployment of the Strategic Masterplan.
- Covid 19 Revisited. By the time you read this, Broxtowe may well have been placed in the ‘very high’ tier of localised restrictions. If you want to find more details about what it means for us all, here are some useful links, provided by the Council:
And, in keeping with the opening sentence, that’s all for this week folks. More next time.
Kind regards
CTTC Neighbourhood Plan. Copies are available from this page on our website
Broxtowe Lotto: tickets available from our CTTC Forum page where you’ll also find details of the scheme