Hello again,
Another short update this week since – being peak holiday period – things are a little quiet at ‘Forum Towers’. Which is welcome news as it gives us all a little break after what has been a pretty hectic period getting the Plan produced. However, we can’t afford to be too complacent as consultation sessions have now been set up and there are a couple of ancillary documents to be produced to support the Plan when it is submitted to the council.
1. Consultation Sessions
- Dates have been agreed and venues (mostly) booked. We still need to confirm the date/time for the session planned to take place at the Cornmill. The image below contains full details (posters will be distributed at key locations over the next week or 2). So please book a date in your diary and come along to clarify any issues you may have with the Plan
- Sat 24th Aug: Toton Methodist Church, Stapleford Lane
- Sat 31st Aug: Corn Mill, Swiney Way (to be confirmed)
- Sat 7th Sept: Chilwell Library & Community Centre, Inham Road
- Sat 14th Sept: 1st Chilwell and Attenborough Scout Hall, Attenborough Lane
- Fri 20th Sept: Toton Methodist Church, Stapleford Lane
2. Ancillary documents
- Two additional documents need to accompany the Plan when we submit it to the Council:
- Consultation Statement. This needs to detail all the consultation events we’ve undertaken to prove the Plan truly reflects the concerns as well as the aspirations and ambitions of the community
- Basic Conditions Statement. This document needs to demonstrate that our policies align with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). You will no doubt have noted that Appendix III of the Plan provides a high-level match between our policies and Broxtowe’s Local Plan and the NPPF. Well, this Statement needs to flesh out the appendix across all NPPF’s policies.
- You’ll hear more about these documents in the next few weeks as they start to take shape.
3. And finally…
- More libraries have hard copies. Stapleford and Long Eaton also a have copy of our Plan (+ some response forms) so if you happen to be passing a library and have some time to spare, why not pop in and browse the Plan. Opening times, for all libraries, are:
- Toton: Mon 2 – 6.30; Weds & Fri 9.30 – 12.30 & 2 – 5; Sat 9.30 – 1pm
- Chilwell: Thurs 10 – 12.30 & 2 – 4.30; Sat 9.30 – 12.30
- Beeston: Mon-Fri 9.00 – 6pm (at least); Sat 9.00 – 4pm
- Stapleford: Mon & Thurs 9.00 – 7pm; Tues, Fri & Sat 9.30 – 1pm (Weds: closed)
- Long Eaton: Mon-Fri 9.00 – 5pm (at least); Sat 9.00 – 4pm
- Don’t forget your feedback! We’re starting to receive some feedback (all pretty positive), but it is fair to describe it as a trickle rather than a torrent. So, if you’ve read the Plan and you have all the information you need, why delay? As before, if anything is unclear, get in touch and we’ll get back to you ‘tout suite’.
- Feedback options. To reiterate from last week, there are two ways to let us have your views:
- Use the response form – here is a link to the Word document – and email your response to us or
- Use the online form on our website – as described last week – and here is another link to the page.
That’s all for this week and I’ll be spending a few days in Somerset next week so expect the next digest in the fortnight. I’ll be back in time for the 1st session on the 24th so hope to see you there.
Kind regards
Broxtowe Lotto: tickets available from our CTTC Forum page where you’ll find details of the scheme.