Weekly digest: Aug 3 & 10!

Hello again,

Two for the price of one this time! I’ve no idea how I missed triggering the mailshot last week, but somehow I did. The digest was published okay on-line and on our Facebook page, but it didn’t reach your email inbox – I shall concentrate even more this week.
However, since there is not much more to add to last week, I’ll combine the two and apologise now to on-line/Facebook readers as a lot of it will be somewhat familiar. What follows is a short’ish, and snappy’ish edition covering bits of news relating to the current consultation.

1. So firstly…

  • Consultation leaflets. These have been distributed to the volunteers who kindly stepped forward to help us deliver to every home in the Area. If you haven’t received yours yet, it will probably drop through your letter box in the next week or two. 
  • Social media publicity. Details of the Plan have been posted to some local Facebook sites (Beeston Civic Society, Beeston Updated, Spotted Toton). This has generated good feedback and prompted a big spike in ‘hits’ accessing the Plan online. So, we shall repost in a couple of weeks. If you use Facebook/social media, please share/like the posts to help promote more widely.

2. And secondly…

  • Libraries have hard copies. Toton, Chilwell and Beeston (coffee bar area) libraries now have hard copy versions of the Plan so if you prefer to read a book, you now have a place to go.  Copies of the feedback forms are also available so you can complete a form and leave it behind at the same time. We will be providing Stapleford and Long Eaton libraries with a copy next week to encourage the widest possible response.
  • Library opening times are:
    • Toton: Mon 2 – 6.30; Weds & Fri 9.30 – 12.30 & 2 – 5; Sat 9.30 – 1pm
    • Chilwell: Thurs 10 – 12.30 & 2 – 4.30; Sat 9.30 – 12.30
    • Beeston: Mon-Fri 9.00 – 6pm (at least); Sat 9.00 – 4pm

3. Next up…

  • Stakeholder invitations. Emails have now been sent to interested organisations & key individuals inviting them to take part in the consultation – total of 139 people at 89 organisations. We have already started to receive feedback, the first three being:
    • Historic England: who advised us to get in touch with the ‘historic teams’ at both local council and county council who look after the Historic Environment Record and will have details of designated heritage assets.
    • Coal Authority: who advised us that they have no specific comments as our Area doesn’t contain any surface coal resources or recorded risks from past mining activity
    • Severn Trent: who are very supportive of the Plan and offered useful advice to strengthen our key environmental objectives and policies by incorporating water mitigation measures such as SUDs features into our green corridors.
  • Richard presented Anna Soubry with a copy of the Plan during the week and it was very well received. If you don’t receive Anna’s weekly newsletter here is a link to the post and video from her website  

4. And finally…

  • Don’t forget your feedback! Whilst it’s great to get feedback from stakeholders, the Steering Group is much more interested in your views – the people who live and work in our Area. There is no need to wait until the last minute to give us your thoughts. If you’ve read the Plan and have all the information you need, then jot down your thoughts and send them in. If anything is unclear, get in touch and we will quickly provide answers.
  • Feedback options. There are two ways to let us have your views:
    • Use the response form – here is a link to the Word document – and email your response to us or
    • Use the online form on our website and here is a link to the page. The online form asks, in addition to basic details about you, three main questions (answers range from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’):
      • Are you broadly in agreement with the approach of the Plan:
      • Are you broadly in agreement with the Vision (Section B):
      • Are you broadly in agreement with the Policies (Section C):
    • There are also some generic comment boxes where you can provide more detail.
  • The more feedback we receive the greater the weight it gives to the Plan. Which, in turn, will oblige developers to listen to us and incorporate our policies in their designs.

The Steering Group met during the week to check progress and we have agreed a number of dates for formal consultation sessions. We’ll quickly book the locations in the next few days and confirm dates and times next week. See you soon…

Kind regards

STOP PRESS: As of Friday evening 480 people have clicked on the link to the Plan. Which is great news! We now need to convert these links into responses, so please do your bit. It would be terrific is we can get over 500 responses to the consultation.

Broxtowe Lotto: tickets available from our CTTC Forum page where you’ll find details of the scheme.

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