Hello again
I’m very pleased to announce that we have finally finished revising the Neighbourhood Plan!
1 The Plan v2 has landed
- It has taken longer to undertake the revision than we thought when we first gathered the feedback at the end of las September. Part of the revision process was to collate everything into one document to be certain we had reviewed and considered all the representations submitted to us. We were stunned when the master feedback document stretched to over 80 pages of comments and suggestions from almost 120 respondents!
- So… not too surprising we initially underestimated the task facing us. But the work is now done and the revised (and much better) version of the Plan is now with the full Steering Group to review and make last minute tweaks. It will also go to one of our members who has kindly agreed to proof-read the document to capture the inevitable typos and those aberrant apostrophes
- We are on track to formally publish the Plan by the end of March at our AGM
2 Broxtowe Leisure Facilities consultation: Part 2
- I reported on this at the end of last month. The Council is consulting on the provision of its Leisure services and asked residents to complete a short survey to gather views. Here is a link to the survey if you haven’t yet taken part so you can ‘have your say’!
- The council have now arranged a couple of workshops to gather opinions, knowledge and insight by inviting members of the local community to attend. The workshop covering our centres at Bramcote Leisure Centre and Chilwell Olympia being held at:
- Venue: Bramcote Memorial Hall, Church Street, NG9 3HD
- Date/Time: Mon 16 March 2020. 6.30pm for 6.45pm start, finish time is expected to be 8.15pm
- If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Chris.Laxton-Kane@lleisure.co.uk. Please note there is a limited number of spaces available, and these will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.
3 And finally…..
- HS2 phase 2 confirmation. You will have heard that the government has finally confirmed the intention to proceed with HS2 in its entirety. This is good news for us inasmuch as it means our Plan is ‘sound’ in making the assumption that the East Midlands Hub Station will be coming to our Area. However, it is clear the timetable for the opening of the Station will be delayed from the initial date of the early 2030s to the latter part of that decade.
- Steering Group meeting. We are meeting again next week to review/sign-off the Plan and to finalise details for the AGM on the 29th March. We are unlikely to hold the AGM at the Village Hotel as they have significantly increased their charges this year – asking for 4 times the price we paid last year, which makes it completely unaffordable! More on this next time.
Another short edition but, as I’ve been repeating ad nauseum, work on the revised Plan is taking up most of our time. This will continue for the next few weeks until relevant documents are submitted to the Council for them to take forward to the final phase. We’ll then have the headroom to think more strategically about our ambitions for the CIC and the role we’d like to play in shaping the future development heading our way.
Kind regards
Broxtowe Lotto: tickets available from our CTTC Forum page where you’ll also find details of the scheme