Hello everyone,
A quick update this week and you’ll be glad to know the main focus is not the Plan but news about the AGM.
1 AGM, Sunday March 29th, is postponed
- You’ll recall we’ve been having problems persuading the Village Hotel to host this year’s AGM at a reasonable price. We have been unable to convince them of the benefits of supporting their local community and providing us with a decent space at a discounted price.
- We have tried to source a suitable alternative venue in our Area but without success thus far.
- We are all well aware of the growing concerns surrounding coronavirus and yesterday (Friday) it was announced that Nottingham has registered its first incidence. Latest estimates suggest UK coronavirus cases will sharply increase over the next couple of months.
- Given these concerns and the fact that a significant number of our members are of ‘a certain age’, we believe it is sensible to place the AGM on hold for the moment.
- So please delete the note you penciled in your diaries for the 29th. We will, of course, keep you updated of the revised date when we know more about scale and spread of the virus.
- In the meantime, we will continue to look for a suitable venue for the meeting.
2 Plan’s Progress – reloaded
- The SG meeting last week reviewed the Plan and the final tweaks discussed. They have now mostly been incorporated; we are just awaiting advice from the Council’s Planning experts on the precise wording to use to ensure we ‘bullet proof’ a couple of policies. Once we have this feedback the Plan will, at long last, be DONE!
- We are now working on the ancillary documents to accompany the Plan when it is submitted to the Council.
- We are still looking to submit all documents to the Council by the end of March.
3 And finally…..
- Council’s leisure facilities consultation. A reminder that the workshop covering the Bramcote Leisure Centre and Chilwell Olympia is being held at Bramcote Memorial Hall, Church Street, NG9 3HD on Monday 16 March. 6.30pm for 6.45pm start. If you would like to attend, please book your place by emailing: Chris.Laxton-Kane@lleisure.co.uk.
- Broxtowe Lotto. Another periodic mention of the scheme that we are part of. Many thanks to all our supporters who take part and have nominated the Forum as a ‘good cause’. It provides us with a steady stream of income (circa £70 per month) which helps cover admin costs such as room hires. If you are not yet a supporter and would like to join in, please click on the link at the bottom where you will find details explaining how to join up. If you do, a portion of your ticket price is assigned to us as a ‘good cause’.
And that’s all folks for this week. See you next time.
Kind regards
Broxtowe Lotto: tickets available from our CTTC Forum page where you’ll also find details of the scheme