Hello again
A short and slightly rushed edition this time as I’m back spending a fair bit of time writing the Plan. This final section – detailing the actual policies – is the trickiest as we need to make sure the policies are both reasonable and tightly worded to ensure they pass through examination process. However, the key test, of course, is to make sure the policies reflect what is important to you, the people who live and work in our Area.
1. Plan Part 3
- A brief recap: the Plan’s core objectives have been derived from our consultation sessions last spring. They are grouped under 5 headings: environment; infrastructure; housing; community facilities; and business/employment. Of these the environment and infrastructure (roads, cycle ways, footpaths etc.) were the key elements highlighted. A series of policies are now being written to underpin the delivery of each of the objectives.
- The environment policies have largely been written, and the key focus is to create new green infrastructure corridors and improve our existing green spaces.
- This map – displayed at the AGM – shows the prime green infrastructure corridors along with the main green spaces. A few tweaks are needed before we are completely happy with it, but it worth sharing here so you can have a look (if you didn’t see it properly at the AGM) and tell us what you think.
- This map shows the main cycle routes/footpaths we are suggesting. Again, some tweaks are needed to a few routes but overall it is a useful guide to current thinking. The intention is to tie in these routes to the green corridors to make them multi-functional for both people and wildlife.
2. Heritage and Character Assessment report
- This long-awaited report has finally been signed off by both the consultants (AECOM) and the sponsors, Locality, who funded the work.
- You will recall we received the first draft in October to allow us to make comments. It is unfortunate (I’m being overly kind) it has taken so long to it to gain final approval
- The report (here is a link to it) is a pretty hefty 60 pages long. However, it is extremely useful in providing an assessment of the various parts of our Area.
- Those of you who have read the first 2 sections of our Plan will immediately notice that I’ve shamelessly taken chunks of the report (and several maps) into our Plan. But that was always the intention: to obtain an assessment we could use as the foundation for our Plan and provide the basis to build our policies.
3. And there’s more…. Barracks illustrations
- Last week I provided links to some potential views of the plaza we’d like to see developed in the Barracks next to the Memorial Garden.
- Here are some further links to maps possible layouts of the plaza. PlazaMap1; PlazaMap2; PlazaMap3. These maps are all positioned slightly to the west of the Memorial Garden. Chetwynd Road is a good reference point for those unfamiliar with the layout.
- The Steering Group’s preference is for PlazaMap1 primarily because it seamlessly incorporates the old WW1 infirmary into the layout. And we are keen to see the Infirmary reused as a community facility. But what do you think?
- We will be formally consulting on these and other ideas once the Plan has been finished so don’t feel obliged to comment now. Nevertheless, the more we know your thoughts the better it shapes our thinking and enables us to reflect your views.
4. And finally – a further shout out to our Barracks designer.
- We’d like to thank our architectural consultant Peter Macnaughton from KefaDesign for producing the great maps/designs (see links above and last week) which have captured our visions for the site (and beyond). His start-up practice KefaDesign has experience in projects ranging from small extensions through to master planning projects. We hope to use Peter again however it will be great if they can develop further work in our area. So, if you have a dream or even the kernel of an idea for a project, we recommend you get in touch with them at kefadesign.co.uk.
Now I need to get back to the Plan, so more of this next time. Future editions, though, are likely be short’ish updates until the Plan is finished.
Kind regards
Broxtowe Lotto: tickets available from our CTTC Forum page where you’ll also find details of the scheme.