Updated: Pegasus has now closed this consultation. Our submitted comments can be found following this link. We would still be interested in your views contact us if you have any comments to make.
On Monday 12th February 2024 we received the attached from Pegasus Group who are preparing a Planning Application for housing on the land to the east of Toton Lane.
The Steering Group will be preparing a response on behalf of the Neighbourhood Forum, calling on the Neighbourhood Plan Policies and other related documents. However, this will only be one submission. It is therefore important that as many people as possible make their opinions known. We can’t instruct you as to what to say (consultations tend to ignore submissions with identical wording) but the topics we would suggest you consider are: Infrastructure, Environment, Housing & Sustainability, Urban Design, Leisure Heritage & Community and Employment/Business.
The consultation only runs until the 26th February (hence the urgency).
We’d also be interested in knowing whether (and when) you received one of the leaflets as it will identify who Pegasus are consulting.
Finally, we would be interested in your response to the consultation so if you are willing to share your response with us, please respond to this email or complete our contact us form.
Good afternoon
I am acting on behalf of Bloor Homes and Peveril Homes in preparing a planning application submission for 260 dwellings (including affordable homes) and formal and informal open space at Toton East, off Stapleford Lane (forming part of the Neighbourhood Plan area).
This development will also include the provision of a vehicular access point from Stapleford Lane, a safeguarded road link into the Chetwynd Barracks, pedestrian and cycle links across the site connecting to the tram station and existing rights of way, the creation of green corridors and the provision of supporting infrastructure and utilities.
The site forms part of an already allocated area in the Local Plan known as “Land in the vicinity of the HS2 Station at Toton (Strategic Location for Growth)” (identified in Policy 3.2) as a sustainable location for residential development for at least 3,000 dwellings.
We are keen to share our ideas for the site, which will deliver the first homes of this larger allocation and will facilitate the delivery of the wider allocation and Chetwynd Barracks to the south.
We are undertaking public consultation consisting of a leaflet drop (in the local area to c.850 properties) and a consultation website (www.totoneast.co.uk<http://www.totoneast.co.uk>) which is due to go live on 13th February 2024. The consultation will run until 26th February 2024 and any comments received will be taken into account prior to the submission of a planning application to Broxtowe Borough Council.
Please find attached a copy of the consultation leaflet and Masterplan for the development.
If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards
Alan Siviter
Principal Planner
E Alan.Siviter@pegasusgroup.co.uk
M 07971 539832 |
DD 01509 279835 |
EXT 5008 |
T 01509 670806
4 The Courtyard | Lockington | Derby | DE74 2SL
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A copy of the leaflet mentioned can be found following this link.