Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan Consultation Opens 4th November

Further to our recent posts on 29th September & 5th October, Broxtowe Borough Council (along with Gedling and Rushcliffe Borough Councils and Nottingham City Council) will be publishing the Regulation 19 (Publication draft) of the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan (the review of the current Aligned Core Strategy i.e. the Part 1 Local Plan) for consultation. This Strategic Development Plan will set out future development proposals over the next 18 years.

The Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan (GNSP) sets out how Broxtowe Borough Council and the other Councils intend to address issues such as the number and location of new homes required for a growing population, providing new jobs and infrastructure, tackling climate change, and protecting and enhancing the area’s heritage, open spaces and biodiversity, in a way that minimises the impact on the environment.  The GNSP has been approved by each partner Council, following consultation on earlier ‘Growth Options’ and ‘Preferred Approach’ documents. Most of the proposals included in the GNSP have been carried forward from the Aligned Core Strategy, although the GNSP allocates new development sites in Broxtowe Borough:

  • Extensions to existing proposed development sites at Toton and Chetwynd Barracks, principally for housing (as we reported to you on 29th September as above);
  • Land at the Former Bennerley Coal Disposal point, for large scale logistics development.

In Gedling Borough, it includes an extension to the existing proposed development site at Top Wighay Farm, for housing. In Nottingham City, it includes a new allocation covering the former Broadmarsh shopping centre, Maid Marian Way College and land to the east of Carrington Street, for a mix of uses including housing, commercial and offices. In Rushcliffe Borough, it includes a new allocation at the former Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station, for a mix of uses including energy generation and storage, advanced manufacturing and industrial, offices and large-scale logistics.

Before the GNSP is submitted to the Government for independent examination, there is a 6-week consultation period during which there is an opportunity for residents, businesses and other organisations, such as Town and Parish Councils and Neighbourhood Forums, to make comments on the soundness and legal compliance of the Plan, in line with Government guidance. The consultation will run from Monday 4th November 2024 until 5.00pm on Monday 16th December 2024.

The GNSP and supporting documents, along with details of how to submit representations can be found on the website of the Greater Nottingham Planning Partnership. See in particular:-  

  • Policy 4 The Green Belt
  • Policy 15 Transport Infrastructure Priorities
  • Policy 16 Blue & Green Infrastructure, Parks & Open Space
  • Policy 17 Biodiversity
  • Policy 21 Strategic Allocation Toton & Chetwynd Barracks
  • Appendix C Housing Trajectories
    However, these shouldn’t just be read in isolation. A summary of the GNSP is provided here.
    There are also a number of other consultation documents listed on the main website link above, together with background papers covering a range of topics including Green Belt, and wide ranging supporting evidence including Green Belt Review Methodology (plus its separate appendices).

    Copies and response forms will also be available at the Council Offices (Foster Avenue, Beeston) and at the following local libraries:
  • Beeston Library, Foster Avenue, Beeston, NG9 1AE
  • Inham Nook Library, Barn Croft, Chilwell, NG9 4HU
  • Toton Library, Stapleford Lane, Toton, NG9 6GA
    Further information is available from Broxtowe Borough Council’s Planning Policy Team by emailing or by telephoning 0115 917 7777 (ask for Planning Policy).

There is clearly a lot to take in, best tackled in bite size chunks! Please do make your own individual representations, but we are still keen to receive your views so that we have a wide range of opinions on which to base the Forum’s response to the consultation.

Please provide your comments via the Contact Us page, and we’ll continue to collate them into the current anonymised list available via the link on the website Q&A page.

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