Important Updates

We hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas. Here are some updates for you.

Neighbourhood Plan Examination Report

Last week we received the Independent Examiner’s Post Hearing Report. Here are the links to her Letter and Annex which identify the potential changes needed to the Neighbourhood Plan.

We will be back in touch in January with the next steps we will be taking with Broxtowe and other key stakeholders in order to meet the requirements to proceed to local referendum.

AGM Voting is Now Open

Nominations to volunteer for the Steering Group closed last week and Voting on the various agenda items is now open until 8th January 2023 even if you are unable to attend the AGM. To vote and ask questions please complete the VOTING Form.

Registration remains open until 4th January 2023 to attend the AGM. In order to do so please complete the REGISTRATION Form.

All information relating to the AGM including the AGENDA, previous minutes and annual reports are available on the website AGM page.

Consultation Reminders

For your information:-

  1. The East Midlands Devolution consultation closes on 9th January. There is an online event on 4th January – details are on the same website page. N.B. The main website appears to be down, but it is being temporarily hosted on Derby City Council’s website. It’s not clear when the main website will be back up and running! However, there is a devolution video that can be viewed on YouTube.
  2. The Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station Local Development Order consultation closes on 19th January. Enter 22/01339/LDO in the search box to find the information. However, as there are 225 documents relating to this planning application, you may prefer to look at the 11 display boards here!

The Forum won’t be responding to these consultations so it is up to individuals if they wish to do so.

As always please do feel free to ask any questions you may have on this or anything else via the Contact Us page, and we’ll do our best to answer them via the Questions and Answers page.

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