Two Quick Updates This Week

Firstly the Neighbourhood Plan

Just to confirm that the modified Policy section of the Plan was submitted to the Examiner on Friday 3rd February on our behalf by Broxtowe, for her review, any further comments and hopefully approval. This should demonstrate the progress that has been made since receiving her post hearing letter & annex (see the Plan page).

We will now continue to work with Broxtowe and our consultant to review & amend the other sections of the Neighbourhood Plan where the Examiner provided comments, with a view to modifying these as quickly as possible for the Examiner’s approval.

We will let you know the next steps once we have received further feedback from the Examiner in due course. However, we do intend to make available all the modifications made to the Plan for everyone to see before proceeding further.

and Secondly Post the AGM

The draft minutes & recording from the meeting have now been uploaded to the website AGM page and the recording should also be accessible from our YouTube channel – search for Chetwynd Neighbourhood Forum and by all means subscribe to it.

As always please do feel free to ask any questions you may have on this or anything else via the Contact Us page, and we’ll do our best to answer them via the Questions and Answers page.

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