Broxtowe Decision Statement
Further to our post on 7th February providing the outcome of the Cabinet meeting to approve that the Neighbourhood Plan can proceed to local referendum, Broxtowe have published their formal Decision Statement. In summary, Cabinet resolved at its meeting on Tuesday 6th February 2024, that:
- The Chetwynd: The Toton and Chilwell Neighbourhood Plan should be modified as proposed by the Independent Examiner.
- Once modified as proposed by the Independent Examiner, it is considered the Neighbourhood Plan will meet the Basic Conditions and other legislative requirements.
- The Chetwynd: The Toton and Chilwell Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to a referendum, with the extent of the area eligible to vote to be based upon the Chetwynd: The Toton and Chilwell Neighbourhood Area as shown within appendix 1 to the report.
Our website Plan page has been updated accordingly.
As we have said previously, before the Referendum can proceed, the Neighbourhood Plan has had to be fully updated following the Examiner’s recommendations as stated in her report, and be in its final version along with any other supporting documents. Which leads us on to:-
Neighbourhood Plan Modifications Progress
The required modifications to the Plan are about 95% complete. It hasn’t been so much the modifications themselves that has taken the best part of a month to amend the document, but the re-formatting to accommodate them that has been a challenge! We are nearly there now with some final tidying up, page numbering & contents page to update.
However, we won’t be in a position to share it until the Broxtowe Planning Team have completed their accuracy checks to ensure compliance with the Examiner’s recommendations, and approved its publication. They will also need to make the final version accessible for assistive technologies. The team have produced updated maps & diagrams for us, as required by the Examiner, and also a new Policies Map (also required) to accompany the final Plan document.
Both the Forum & Broxtowe are still working towards being able to hold the Local Referendum on 2nd May (the same date as the Combined Authority Mayoral and Police & Crime Commissioner elections) to ensure a good turnout. To achieve this, everything will need to be in place by mid-March so that the official electoral notice period can commence.
Confirmation of the date will follow in due course, along with the official notice issued by Broxtowe.
Toton Battery Storage Planning Appeal
Following on from our previous post about this (located in Bramcote, not Toton as the name would suggest!), the Steering Group has submitted a response to the Planning Inspectorate on the Forum’s behalf. For information it can be read here.
As always please do feel free to ask any questions you may have on this week’s latest bulletin or anything else via the Contact Us page, and we’ll do our best to answer them via the Questions and Answers page.