We have received a notification from Broxtowe that an appeal has been launched against the Planning Committee’s decision to reject this application 22/00799/FUL for a Battery Energy Storage System at Southfields Farm, Common Lane in Bramcote, which is in the Green Belt. Although this lies outside the Forum Area it would nevertheless impact residents in Chilwell as well as Bramcote.
At the time of the original application the Forum submitted a representation opposing this development, and fully supported the decision to reject it. We do of course support battery energy storage, but this proposed location in the Green Belt rather than for example in the Toton Strategic Location for Growth (SLG), close or adjacent to the existing electricity sub-station on Toton Lane, doesn’t make any sense. The SLG is, as you will be aware, no longer in the Green Belt, and already ear marked for major development.
As an appeal has now been lodged with the Secretary of State by the developer (Toton Battery Storage Ltd.), the Steering Group will now review this and provide a further representation to the Planning Inspector.
As always in these cases, the more responses the better. See the notification letter 240126 Battery Storage Appeal (with personal details removed) for how to do so by 27th February.